Random Seeming Announcement about the National Event


For those inquiring minds that have been wondering, our illustrious owner (as in our of all the SoMN owners, he's the most illustrious) has determined in his wisdom that all MIs from the national chapter/game will be considered "pre-attuned" to the mists of the Sheltered Land and thus usuable immediately within it's boundrys.
what if i currently only have temp tags? -dawson
since the event hasn't happened yet, you can't possibly have temp tags from the national game.

If you have temp tags for an item for our game, let logistics know so we can bring the tags with us for the game (currently I don't know of any outstanding tags we are missing)
very sorry. misread post. i mean i have two MI's in our chapter i plan to bring to the national event that i don't have tags for. -dawson
Any mi you are missing a tag for should always be broughten to Logistics attention, so we can be sure to find and assign the tag. If you have LOST a tag, then you should also contact us and we'll determine if the magic item has become inert or if we need to replace the tag. (Generally if you've actually used the magic item in game at least once, you will NOT get a new tag and the MI will become inert, if we can't verify that the tag was present for at least one logisitics, we'll print you out one for future use)
I've requested the tag before the last two events and at logistics but still only have temp tags.