Fellow Unbounded,
In effort to provide more resources for preparation of those among us who have not adventured in Rathfallian regions for long before they venture out and face its dangers, I will begin putting together a publicly available Rathfallian Bestiary. A copy of which will be found attached here with the dreaming and updated as more entries are added ((OOC: I will have a view-only link to a Google Doc inserted in this post once I will start compiling the Bestiary)).
Furthermore, as a show of appreciation and motivation for contributions to the Bestiary, I will be offering stipends of 1 gold coin per full report on a new creature or a meaningful amendment to an existing entry (these include illustration or a paragraph of at least 4 relevant sentences but is subject to case-by-case discretion). As these stipends will be paid off from my own treasury, the payments will be prioritized to newer adventurers ((OOC: level 10 or less)) who could use the gold to establish themselves and promissory bank notes may be given to be exchanged for gold at a later time if the amount of entries supersedes what my treasury can support at the time.
Gregor of Korab
To submit a report please follow the format of template below for ease of incorporation into the Bestiary:
CREATURE: [How would you call this creature, for example “Sahuagin,” “Zombie,” or “Hippohawk”]
TYPE: [What type of a creature is it, for example “Undead,” “Construct,” or “I do not know”]
ENCOUNTERED: [The region and date when the creature was encountered]
WITNESSES: [The names of people who saw the creature]
ABSTRACT: [2-4 sentences giving short description of the creature, including its appearance and summary of its strength, resistances, and weaknesses]
STRENGTHS: [List the resistances and most dangerous aspects of the creatures to look out for]
WEAKNESSES: [List the vulnerabilities and ways to fight against the creature]
DESCRIPTION: [The main portion of your report, here you can write as much about the creature as you want, including its ecology, habitat and behavior. Try to have at least one paragraph with 4 relevant sentences]
In effort to provide more resources for preparation of those among us who have not adventured in Rathfallian regions for long before they venture out and face its dangers, I will begin putting together a publicly available Rathfallian Bestiary. A copy of which will be found attached here with the dreaming and updated as more entries are added ((OOC: I will have a view-only link to a Google Doc inserted in this post once I will start compiling the Bestiary)).
Furthermore, as a show of appreciation and motivation for contributions to the Bestiary, I will be offering stipends of 1 gold coin per full report on a new creature or a meaningful amendment to an existing entry (these include illustration or a paragraph of at least 4 relevant sentences but is subject to case-by-case discretion). As these stipends will be paid off from my own treasury, the payments will be prioritized to newer adventurers ((OOC: level 10 or less)) who could use the gold to establish themselves and promissory bank notes may be given to be exchanged for gold at a later time if the amount of entries supersedes what my treasury can support at the time.
Gregor of Korab
To submit a report please follow the format of template below for ease of incorporation into the Bestiary:
[Optional Illustration]
CREATURE: [How would you call this creature, for example “Sahuagin,” “Zombie,” or “Hippohawk”]
TYPE: [What type of a creature is it, for example “Undead,” “Construct,” or “I do not know”]
ENCOUNTERED: [The region and date when the creature was encountered]
WITNESSES: [The names of people who saw the creature]
ABSTRACT: [2-4 sentences giving short description of the creature, including its appearance and summary of its strength, resistances, and weaknesses]
STRENGTHS: [List the resistances and most dangerous aspects of the creatures to look out for]
WEAKNESSES: [List the vulnerabilities and ways to fight against the creature]
DESCRIPTION: [The main portion of your report, here you can write as much about the creature as you want, including its ecology, habitat and behavior. Try to have at least one paragraph with 4 relevant sentences]
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