raz is looking for werewolf's


Traverse City Staff
has any one seen werewolf's around i'm looking around for one..... maybe two or a pack :)
it is a full moon this weekend so they should be out
are there any books on them or people that know more about them?
I wont be around this market but I know some things about werewolves. I will catch you next month.

send anyone that knows anything my way and thanks looking forward to talking with you.
I know one real well. Personal friend of mine. What's it worth to talk to him?

Professor McRuneyBeard
I would pay a silver for someone to arrange a meeting between myself and a werewolf willing to talk about werewolf's. and additionally if the meeting proves to be a good one i will pledge my assistance to a endeavor that my presents would assist you in return.
it is if you want to get bit.
No it isn't.

I think you need some help. I don't do things for free ever usually. But, I assume being the general of the remaining forces of Valdanis I have some kind of requirement of to do good to the people of the kingdom. This is me doing that. So here's some advice

Werewolves are a pack. You can't just expect to be accepted to the pack. That doesn't make any sense. You need to prove yourself. Power is taken not given. You can't sit by passively and expect for someone to come bite you. That's ridiculous and if some werewolf did, I would hunt him and his clan to extinction. I know a thing or two about power and bestowing it on people. After all, when I wake up I'll need knights.

Have you forsaken silver?
Have you hunted under the moon light and proved your skill to a pack?
Have you taken in the moonlight, shed consciousness and let pure instinct take you?
Have you battled and alpha werewolf and proved worthy?

If you're one true desire is to become a cursed creature. I can help you. But, I have a price. This price isn't silver, it's your life to do with as I see fit. A blood debt, like the werewolves you want to become know and respect. And probably also your pants because let's face it. They are pretty nice pants.

Think long and hard about what you'd give. If it's not everything, then I can't help you, and the wolves probably won't accept you.

to vert i my joke, it is my way, but let me assure you that this interest is not something i take lightly. i am currently looking for a pack that fits my personality as i have been advised. I am also looking for as much information as possible to insure that i am indeed willing to throw everything away for the opportunity. As of now I am willing however, i will not dishonor any pack by simply asking for acceptance with out knowing what that will mean to me and to the pack. you say you can help. i'm interested in listening to your thoughts and opinions. we should talk on this.

P.S. I am willing to sell any of my paint/armor/merchandise and take custom orders, come meet with me.