regarding alchemically spewing shiny creatures

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Hello Kupsparians,

I just wanted to make an announcement on behalf of the alchemy guild for those who were not present for Aeotesc's address regarding the subject. There are creatures currently roaming the lands of Kupspar that have been exposed to an ancient alchemical substance that has made them incredibly unstable. From what we have seen, these creatures are able to absorb and inflict elemental damage. The most important thing to remember about these creatures is that, once you have beat them down, you should not run them through or attempt to rummage their remains without first consulting an alchemist who can identify their remains and apply an alchemical solvent. Not allowing one of us to deal with the remains properly will result in disintegration of the remains as well as anything the creature may have been carrying which includes pages of an ancient text that will benefit the entire town.

Alchemists who should be informed of whatever you may learn regarding the subject are:
or myself (Lenry Mugridge)

Any other alchemists should report to us so that we can instruct you on dealing with this situation.

Thank you on behalf of the Alchemy Guild,
Lenry Mugridge
Pointa will keep eye out and let you know if I stumble across anything thing. I will be traveling away from Kupspar to meet up with my team in another land. Do you know if these things are just around your lands or if they are spreading? I can spread word to other lands if you would like. Is there any special things you would like for me to instruct other Alchemists besides what you already stated?

I believe the situation is contained to our lands but it would be wise to inform anyone who plans on traveling to Kupspar anytime soon. I cannot think of anything else that needs to be known at this time. The guild thanks you for your assistance in the mattter.

Also, just in case it wasn't clear in my previous statement, these creatures are not of a specific race or type. We believe there are many different types of creatures that may have been afflicted in this way from the many different tracks we saw leaving the scene of contamination.

Distinguishing features would be shiny streams of an alchemical substance leaking from the pores, usually apparent on the face of the creature.

Dee affliction that kept me out of battle has seemed to 'ave left me. I do not know much alchemy just some basics but I vill be villing to 'elp if able and in dee lands. If you vould be so kinda as to send me a private dreaming and brief me on vat is already known of dese creatures and vat dee alchemist is to do ven dese creatures are out or taken down I vould appreciate it.

Zoya Aleksandra Anya
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I apologize that it has taken me so long to respond to this conversation. I think it is a good thing to mention that anyone with knowledge in herbal nature can actual identify the alchemy which covers the body of these tainted creatures. Although this knowledge tends to be found within alchemist, it isn't unheard of in others.


As of our last gather, it appears that the creatures are no longer shiny! They have no visible traits that distinguish them from normal creatures.

We have also learned that there are goblins who have been affected as well.

As of now, any creature you come across could be alchemically altered.

If you run into creatures doing things they normally would not, such as goblins swinging sleep or bunnies spellstriking drain, these are probably the ones we are looking for.

Seeing as there was some confusion, here is a breakdown of how to deal with this situation:

Step 1: Call for help if you are alone. Preferably a member of the Alchemy guild but anybody with the ability to identify herbs will do (Herbal Lore 1). These creatures are nothing to be trifled with and WILL kill you if you are outnumbered or at least put a large dent in your resources.

Step 2: Beat down the creatures. DO NOT RUN THEM THROUGH. DO NOT SEARCH THEM.

Step 3: Examine their body and check to see if there is an alchemical trail that can be followed. (Herbal Lore: I examine your remains). Once this is done, feel free to do with them as you wish.

Step 4: In the event that there is a trail; gather a small group and follow it.

Step 5: At the end of the trail, you will find a "situation" such as a gigantic, two-headed, alchemically mutated bunny.... Kill it.

Step 6: Once it's dead or whatever the "situation" may be is handled, You may keep whatever treasures you find EXCEPT for any paper with unintelligible wordings on it.

Step 7: Bring that to the Alchemy guild so we can translate it.

Once again, it is very much preferred that a member of the Alchemy Guild who has been properly informed on how to deal with these pages go along with whoever may find one of these trails. If I am nearby and hear somebody yell my name, I will come running.

On behalf of the Alchemy Guild and myself, I thank you for your time and aid in this matter as we cannot be everywhere at once.... yet...

-Lenry Mugridge
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