Regarding Concentration

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If you would be so kind as to look in the rule book under the description of the spell repel. The description states the spell length as indefinite and it says that you may use the other hand not related to the spell to preform other in game abilities. However the description of the concentration duration states that repel has an duration of concentration and that you may perform no other in game abilities. So what is right? I think that repel ending up in the concentration description is just a typo but I could be wrong.
The specific spell description (Repel) overrides the general Concentration wording. Thus, with one Repel active, you are able to "use the other hand for in-game skills" as per the spell description.

And before it is asked - no, this does not give one the ability to have two repels up and then use further in-game skills in both hands. If a hand is up in a Repel, it can't use other in-game skills.

-Bryan Gregory
Member, Alliance Rules Committee
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