Regarding Gandian


As most of you have gathered after last market day there was some doubt as to the safety of having Gandian around.

On top of Giant's Walk Gandian was bitten. When he returned to the tavern after us he was questioned and tested. Some one, I'm not sure who, Decided to put Gandian in the Ward of the tavern.

The next morning I found Gandian still in the ward. I decided that a tavern kitchen was no place to spend the next two months, since I did not believe that anyone had any intention of relishing him.

I took it upon myself, with Gandian's consent, to find him safe lodging, to observe and to care for him these last few months. I did this to ensure the town's and Gandian's Safety.

Now that a new market day is finally convening I would like to resolve this issue. I will be taking him out of hiding to the tavern Friday evening in order for him to speak and to be questioned so that we can get beyond this.

I'll bring biscuits.

- Gorka
I count Gandian among my friends. If there is anything I can do to help him, let me know.
Jonathan Darin
I have had a meeting with Gandian back in Wayside. Everyone talks about him being some sort of vampire, we shall see, it's Gandian after all.

Gandian, I will have a meeting with you and Fern on this matter in private, rest assured I have no intention of striking you.

- D'rezz