Regarding the May Event


A word from our dear writer and director of the weekend, Tom Haswell:
A little information about this event:

Due to the location and schematic for this event, there will be less in the way of "wave battles" than is common in our events. Simply put, a quiet college town on the well-patrolled edge of the Forest simply shouldn't be overrun a half dozen times or more by hundreds of gribblies.

This is not to say that there will not be combat- just that it won't be where you'd normally expect it. There will be plenty of combat-oriented modules, random damage, a few "hit teams", and other means of violence... they just might take a little bit of finding, a little bit of walking the loop, or a little bit of mod-grabbing.

We are making every attempt to make sure the PCs are entertained with the numbers we have available, and that both roleplay and combat opportunities will be presented nearly non-stop. Should you have any concerns mid-event, please come discuss it with us, or perhaps even better: take a shift swinging at your friends.

I look forward to entertaining all of you this weekend. To quote Willy Wonka, "Now over here, if you'll follow me, I have something rather special to show you..."