Regarding the Order of the Earth


"I hereby summon a meeting of the guild's current membership to take place on the Day of Death of this coming week-end that we may discuss individual and group objectives, current standing and influence, the state of our treasury, and any additional matters the membership deems necessary. We shall gather in the afternoon to permit the admission of any new initiates that they, too, may attend.

If any who travel to Fury Falls in the coming week maintain interest in membership within the Order of the Earth, I shall happily administer the necessary examinations succeeding breakfast on the same day. The examinations will require no more than a half-hour's passing.

Regarding both the meeting and admissions, current members and interested parties may find me in the temporary guild quarters which... are conveniently also my quarters.

For those who do not pass, I would be happy to provide the mentorship necessary to assist you in attaining future membership.

Lastly, if any current members will not be present, I would appreciate their considerately contact me that we may discuss the maintenance of their status.

I will also be presiding over the guild for the duration of the gather. If any require my services or seek consul, they may approach me at their whim. My hours served neither begin nor end and I am at the beck and call of the local and adventuring populaces. As always, there will be light refreshments available to all.

In service,

((OOG: tests will be administered after breakfast on Saturday and the meeting will happen once everyone is taken care of. :) I WILL ALWAYS PROVIDE ENTRANCE EXAMS AT YOUR CONVENIENCE IF YOU CAN'T MAKE THE SCHEDULED TIME. Just be prepared for a 100% in-game haranguing!))