Regarding your Final Wishes


Citizens of Chiram's Hollow Bastion

Recently, it has been brought to my attention the importance of thoroughly communicating your wishes regarding the handling of your body, should you permanently fall in battle. Only telling those you travel with may not be sufficient, and mistakes could be made.

Please, remember to tell those around you what your wishes are, and if possible log a written request to be kept with the local Healers Guild in any area you may travel in. Do not assume because you log it in one town or land that it will automatically be spread to the others. As Healers we attempt to share this information but there are so many different people to keep track of, it is the responsibility of the individual to make sure their wishes are logged.

Once your written request is logged, check back at least once a year to insure that the document is still up to date and easily locatable. Guildmistress Keely and I will do our best to make sure that logs in both bastions are up to date.

If you have any questions about this, I will be in town this weekend.

Ambassador Guildmaster Pantzike
Guildmaster, Finn Castle Healers Guild
Ambassador of the Northern Guilds to Authenrai
I would like to be dried, laquered and dipped in silver. I hereby give permission for a large arrowhead-like helmet to be attached to my permanently dead body's head that I might be fired out of a ballista.