Registration for May 17-19 Event Still Available!

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
Hey folks!

It's almost time for the May 17-19 event, and that means that Pre-Registration is now open! The plot team is hard at work preparing an awesome time for y'all, and I hope you're looking forward to it as much as I am!

Logistics will open at 6:00 PM, with Game-On by roughly 9:00-10:00 PM, and Game-Off by noon on Sunday.

This event will take place at the following site:
1538 180th Avenue
Kanabec Twp, MN

Pre-registering is highly encouraged, for it lets the staff know you're attending and, as such, lets us prepare what we need to do ahead of time. Pre-registering makes everything run smoother, and lets us get our game started all the faster, which is always convenient. It also gets you a discounted fee for the event! The sooner you get your pre-reg in, the more pleased the Logistics folks will be, so get those pre-regs in! Even if you're NPCing, please don't forget to pre-reg. It's important for us to know how many NPCs are coming, etc.

The cost for this event is $60 for PCing and $10 for NPCing, though if you Pre-Register, the cost drops to $50 to PC and $5 for NPCs.

There will be a $5 discount for those sleeping in tents.

For a form for preregistration, check out Simply fill out the information you need to send it. Otherwise, you can just email your pre-reg to, but we would greatly prefer if you were to use the website form, considering it makes things a lot easier for the Logistics staff. Pre-regs should include: Build Expenditures, Goblin Stamp Expenditures, Magic Item info (item number, effects, expiration, etc.), any Production skill use, any Craftsman skills, and anything else you deem appropriate (categories are listed on the online form).

Pre-regs were due by Monday, May 12th at midnight.

Registering now does not get you the discounted cost, but is still greatly appreciated by the staff so we can make preparations for the people attending.

Players with purple text have incomplete pre-regs and should send the missing info to logistics before Tuesday, May 13th! Please send a message to the Logistics email address with any updates.

Players with red names have memberships that are expired and need to be renewed ($5 for a three month membership, and $15 for one year).

Pre-registered PCs:
1. Ryan H. (Icey)
2. Alysha K. (Regan)
3. Matt M. (Victor)
4. Tristin W. (Fredrick)
5. Vaughn W. (Thorgrim)
6. Kyle S. (Briar)
7. Ryan Be. (Asher)
8. Adric F. (Anthony)
9. Luke W. (Kaito)
10. Spenser G. (Deux) - Build Expenditures
11. Caleb N. (Reyn)
12. Ted C. (Vadis)
13. Emilynn H. (Rhys)
14. Ryan Bu. (Dure'dhel)
15. Michael H. (Gabriel)
16. Adam D. (Val)
17. Andrea R. (Lilly)
18. Adam P. (Asura)
19. David R. (Iganeous)
20. Rob D. (Kitaruen)
21. Nathan K. (Thorador)
22. Peter H. (Cho Ko Nu)
23. Chris H. (Arkimedies)
24. Nick P. (Foss)
25. Josh S. (Roy)
26. Devin H. (Tauran)
27. Doug M. (K'Tarn)
28. Kayla N. (Keallit)
29. Dan S. (Glayve) - Build Expenditures
30. Mariah S. (Talitha)
31. Hannah M. (Nakira)
32. David C. (Davion)
33. Victoria P. (Sparrow)
34. Rick B. (York)
35. Paul F. (Fern)
36. David G. (The J-Man. Er, Jehyu)
37. David M. (Bergen)
38. Amberlee H. (Nadia)

Registered PCs:
39. Ethan K. (Ewan)
40. Patrick L. (Artimis)
41. Miranda B. (Saito)

Pre-registered NPCs:
1. Alexander T.
2. Dan L.
3. Kat M. (New Player!)
4. Erik A.
5. Marshall S.
6. Courtney H.
7. Greg L.
8. Jack B.
9. Anthony G.
10. Garth N.
11. Jenna C. (New Player!)
12. Jesse B.
13. Brandi D. (New Player!)
14. Amy G.
15. Brian J. (New Player!)
16. Matt N.
17. Teague M.

Registered NPCs:
18. Taren W. (New Player!)
Re: Pre-Registration for May 17-19 Event Open!

I put in my pre-reg last night, did it not go through?
Re: Pre-Registration for May 17-19 Event Open!

KyleSchmelz said:
I put in my pre-reg last night, did it not go through?

You and 7 others ^.^, you kids are spoiled now adays, let poor Alexander go to class before updating at least. :-p
Re: Pre-Registration for May 17-19 Event Open!

I saw that he updated the list and I wasn't on it, sorry I'm such a great big jerk.
Re: Pre-Registration for May 17-19 Event Open!

KyleSchmelz said:
I saw that he updated the list and I wasn't on it, sorry I'm such a great big jerk.
You are a great big jerk, you jerk!
Re: Pre-Registration for May 17-19 Event Open!

Yay! I actually registered! I get to go to this one! I don't care what my mother says!
Re: Pre-Registration for May 17-19 Event Open!

Liar, you pre-registered. If you registered, then you'd have to pay full price. But you did the smart thing and pre-registered so you got the discount.

Pre-registration is still open!
Re: Pre-Registration for May 17-19 Event Open!

Less than a week left to pre-reg, PANIC!
Re: Pre-Registration for May 17-19 Event Open!

Welp, we'll see tomorrow if I can actually go now.

I had figured since I put in the time like 3 weeks in advance, I'd be able to get the weekend off. Finally got my answer back today about the weekend, and they decided to go ahead and deny my time off request. So my pre-reg just became Tentative! But I'm staying on that list, because I'll make it on the for sure list.

I need to come up with my list of excuses now...
Re: Pre-Registration for May 17-19 Event Open!

Pre-reg deadline is quickly approaching, so get those in!

And if you already did, hassle your friends that haven't to do so!
Re: Pre-Registration for May 17-19 Event Open!

Hey I sent mine in, I need to update part of it tommorrow, but its 90%
Re: Pre-Registration for May 17-19 Event Open!

Hey guys, sorry for all the Logistics delays and whatnot. Been working on a lot of wrap-up stuff for the semester, with this next week being finals week for me and everything. I plan to get your logistics requests dealt with tonight!

Thanks for being patient with me!
Re: Pre-Registration for May 17-19 Event Open!

Posting to remind people to STAY WARM this event. While temps have been in the 70's during the day recently, overnight temperatures are still in the low to mid 30's. So remember to bring things to stay warm and comfy, especially at night and those sleeping in tents. Bring extra blankets!
Re: Pre-Registration for May 17-19 Event Open!

Hey folks, please get your completed pre-regs in as soon as possible!

I know there are players who are planning on attending that have yet to send in stuff to logistics, and I am not going to lie, I am absolutely swamped with work with finals/logistics/plot, and the longer it takes for you to get your stuff in, the more work it is for me. Get your pre-regs in if you haven't, and if you have an incomplete pre-reg (as marked in purple text above), PLEASE get the missing information to me as soon as possible.

As y'all know, I'm usually a guy who is too stubborn/afraid to ask for help, but I have to say, anything you can do to make my workload simpler would be appreciated. I'm doing my best to make sure that everything goes the way it should, but I am currently stressed out of my mind doing what I can for school and preparing for this event.

~ Alexander
Holy, that's a lot of NPCs...
I love 2:1 Ratios!
Hey guys, if you felt like making some packets for NPC camp this weekend, that would be greatly appreciated! The winter events always have a habit of ruining a lot our packets in the snow and whatnot, so we're a little short at the moment.

See you this weekend!
Hey Alexander,

Whats the current gobby/packet ratio?
