renaissance festival invasion


I would like to go to the MN Ren fest with you, my larper friends. would you like to come with me? We get to dress up. You know you wanted to go anyways.

Saturday 21, opening weekend. Its the middle weekend between our event and National.

Tickets are:
$20.95 at the door or $17.95 for pre reg. OR if we get organized there are discounts for groups of 10 or more.

The MN Renaissance Festival is located in Shakopee MN. We can carpool.

Festival starts at 9am and goes till 7pm

Weapons Policy:

* The Festival bans guns on our premise
* Swords, Knives, Dirks and Daggers must be
* completely sheathed and peace-tied.
* Axes, Claymores, Maces, Antique Firearms, Pikes and Halberds are NOT allowed on the Festival site.
* No drawing of any weapon at any time
* Must be 18 years or older to carry a weapon

So interested?
If Kitty and I can get warning and a ride, we'd love to go as well. ^ ^
I'll probably be there Sept 25-26th (Free wine tasting anyone?). I'll be there Sept 11th too but will be super duper busy, but I might head back on the 12th where I'd be free. Then I'm thinking of hitting up the opening weekend too- new costume pieces for Ohio = win. So yeah, the answer is maybe.

I probably won't make it any other days though, I have way too much going on in Sept.

i love the tomato throw... :D
Our elder Stone Elf works at the ren fest! shall we go opening day, 21st, and see if we can make him break character?
I would LOVE to go, too! I'll have to see if I can get a ride.
I will be dropping off someone at the airport that morrning I can pick up anyone on my way there and then to the fest.

So from Elk River To Bloomington, then From Bloomington to the Fest.
don't know if i'll be going there as a worker or a visitor yet, i should know by the 18th at the latest other wise . if i don't get in as a worker i'll be there on opening weekend and possibly on one of the other weekends as well.
I have off work on the 21st!!
I will be driving from St. Cloud if anyone wants to come (and chip in some gas monies). Let me know. :D

-Courtney (Kendra)
I will be arriving on site between and hour prior to opening to the time it opens, I believe I will be traveling with a friend from work.
If you have not picked up tickets yet, I suggest Super America as they are roughly 17usd.
I will be dressed in my full Dark Elf character.
I'll go, I'll go! As long as I don't immediately have work, I will totally go and be willing to either drive or carpool (since I'll have a car but would love about $5-$10 gas monies for it pretty please). Anyone wanna make up the car split ups?
"LARP Mom" and I will be getting there roughly 8:30-ish, I think. I will be dressed up as Talitha, of course! Can't wait! :D
I get there around 8:30am maybe a little earlier to get a good parking spot. i haven't decided on a costume yet. hope to see a few of you there.

david raatz
weaponless lok will be there. gonna be hard to throw tomatoes in full chain though. -dawson
I'll be there, and gonna give some blood so it is free for me. my appointment is for 10:30, so ya =P
You will see Roven carrying around a peace tied sword til' he gets his Baldric :P