Renew Body Potions for Sale


Sorry for the late notice, but It kind took me awhile to test these and make sure they'd travel okay into Wayside.

I have a stock of Renew Body potions, they heal about as much as a cure wounds potion does, and I'm even selling them for the same price. Basically the only difference is they can heal ANYTHING that you can get to drink them, friends who are temporary liches like Jamina (she's fine now, please don't go hunting!) or reversed life forced, or in a golem maybe.

Anyway, I have quite a few because Benjamin helped me Cauldron brew them from a special recipe.

They are 2 silvers a piece if anyone wants one and it's probably a good thing to have a few on hand for, they should even work on elemental buddies, I think Elle has plenty of those type of friends right?

I would like 2 please.

I would like 5 if you have the inventory.

Lady FallingStar
Oh yeah, I have plenty still, I think me and Benjamin made a gross and I still have about half of those left....

at 2 silver a piece?
I'll take 50.

Jehan T Wyldweaver
If there are any left, I would be interested in 6.

Biff Sterling, Adventurer... AT LAAAARGE!!! :D
Yep! I still even have some left...cauldrons make an awful lot of potions at a time...
