Replacement Event - Module Request days June 26th and 27th.


Due to the unexpected Cancellation of the Looking for Group Expo, SoMN will be holding TWO Mudle request days, one on June the 26th, and one of June the 27th. Module days have a lower production value then general due to their short nature, but they allow you to request specific mods for yourself or a group.

Here's how it works.

Module Days will run from 10 am until 3-5 pm depending on the number of Modules, if you come to PC you also agree to NPC at least one module, should it be needed to ensure everyone get's their module done.

When you Preregister you may request a specific module for a group, or you may request a 'general adventure' The plot staff will be working hard to fulfill as many requests as possible. Players wishing to go on multiple modules may be allowed to so, depending on the modules requested.

Module days will cost $5 and do not include a meal. High make-up races (Kyn, Sarr, Dark Elves specfically)may be allowed to lower their make up standards as your average module play time will be about an hour and a half.

Each Module day is a completely seperate event, is worth 1/2 a daily blanket, and may be Gobbied for 15 goblin stamps per.

Due to the short posting, We'll put the pre-reg deadline at Wedenesday the 24th. There is no pre-reg discount, but if you do not prereg with a module/adventure request, you may not be allowed to PC!