Request for Contact


I wish to be contacted by or put in contact with the current tavernkeeper.

After a long night of fighting elementals and undead, breakfast is the most important meal of the day to sustain one's fortitude; even if it is typically served under the rays of the evil day star....

The Order of Shadow's Light intends on making and serving breakfast this market day in the tavern. If you wish to partake and enjoy a short respite, feel free to drop on by around 9 bells in the morning. Sustinance will be available warm until 10 and a half bells, with left overs available on demand served by the tavernkeep after that point.

We intend on serving the following:

- Uniformly toasted oatmeal tetragons inset with multiple rhombi
- Concentrated sap from a maple tree
- Freshly picked berries
- Fermented Bovine Extract
- Scrambled Unborn Fowl
- Roasted spiced extruded boar flesh
- Roasted cured boar flesh

May the Light guide you and may Shadow guard your path,

Arcanist Dure'dhel