Request of all craftsmen, traders, and producers of goods


Adventurers, Traders, and Producers of Goods in of Hope's Reach-

Me Cho Ko Nu, Apprentice Trader in the Traders Guild of Roskaria. For many year, Roskaria provide necessary goods for Gaden to make war on Corrupt in return for safety of Roskaria. In honor of that relationship, me now permanently re-locate to Hope's Reach from me previous home in Roskaria and begin set-up me crafts and trades as local representative of Traders Guild of Roskaria. Me have some skill in all crafts, except make scrolls (Good Tribesman no use Elemental magic), but me no produce enough for entire town. Me want help Hope's Reach be big and good market for all trading, but me no can do alone.

Me need know what all other producers of items can do (especially Adventurers), and what market of Hope's Reach have and what market need. Me also want know all about bandit problem, as bandit very bad for trade and transport of goods. Me ask you organize and get this information over this market day, and deliver to me at next one in person or by message (me can read and write). Me will report information back to Traders Guild of Roskaria and see if can make good trade with them for help all of Hope's Reach.

Me look for places to set-up workshops and survey lands for raw materials and resources, so me not at next market day, but me expect be join you all again in one cycle of moon for next market day.

Thank you and we make many good trade in future,

Cho Ko Nu
Apprentice Trader in Traders Guild of Roskaria
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Re: Request of all craftsmen, traders, and producers of good

unfortunely i will not be able to make the next market day for i located some mines that have a good supply of raw material for my blacksmithing but they are in need of repair so i'll be busy for some time.

Iganeous ironforge