Requesting all SoMN Alliance Larp media


I will be taking these 4 days off from work to hammer down on the website. I am currently working on a database of all media from any event in the past from very first game to today. If you have any photos please send them my way via e-mail :
Media includes any Pictures, Video, Artwork, Liturature or anything else that represents a visual into our chapter.

Thank You.

Andrew R. Cameron
Is it okay if I bring my digital camcorder to the season opener? It's not HD or anything but takes great digital footage. Of course I would not film anyone who told me not to.
I believe the current policy is that so long as you respect the wishes of those who do not want to be filmed than it is perfectly fine to take video. (You can just edit them out if the approach you about it later.)

At least I think that is the agreement that was made for the MCAD folk, we can also inform them of it at logistics check in.

Correct, we are generally alot more careful with people outside of the group wishing to take film as we'd expect most participants to be respectful. However the standing rule is, whenever you take film you must respect anyone requesting not to be filmed.
sweet thanks.
While reading this I think one thing we could add during logistics is if people wish NOT to be filmed. I don't think we have had anyone say no but then again I don't know anyways.

I love pictures of that stuff myself.

The problem with taking pictures is that you don't get to play while your doing it. I might not play that much season opener because I NEED pictures for the new site.
/engage total git mode on
I'll be an idiot and chirp in here with a most likely lunatic idea of mine. Why don't we film an "intro to larping" video for putting on our website. We could even go a step further and make it in a documentary style - heck, I'd be willing to go in front of the camera and blather on in Anthropological/Sociological style about the various particulars to lend some "academic quality" to it if need be.
/disengage total git mode off

My standard official disclaimer:
The content of the above missive is completely of my own opinion. It should not be construed as something official in connection to any of my official positions. Please read it and accept it at your own risk. I'm not responsible if upon reading my opinion causes your cat to spontaneously burst into flames or causes your hamster to start placing landmines in all your neighbors driveways. Nor am I responsible if you have a diametrical mind set shift and start thinking the universe is awfully gassy, that Gypsy Paladins are totally average and that your mileage does not vary.

this is in the works, and we are excited to make a bunch of headway on it as soon as we clear the new website project, which is getting very close!

:shock: I... Umm... I'll just scamper back under my rock and shut up once again! :oops:
Tim I will make sure to let ya know when we start up the project :D we would love to have your input and participation! :D

What if anything in particular should i film at the next event? Is there any particular footage that you want or need? -Dawson
I would prefer any decent footage of combat along with RP. When I receive any media, or in the current case don't receive, I sort out anything like bad shots or ones that just don't make the cut, I then add them to my database on my computer.
I'm researching on developing a better media gallery along with a video gallery.
I'll just need to remember to bring my camera for shooting stills then! ;)
I don't know if you still need the media Andrew but I took some footage and pictures at this past event (May 14-16). I am notably a terrible cameraman and photographer, but it is something right? lol :lol: