Resource Procurement

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
Hello adventurers,

Forgive me if I am misinformed, but I believe I heard you are headed towards the Grasslands in the near future? Thanks to the esteemed Mr. Benjamin Bookworm, we've managed to get a handful of excellent little trading routes spreading through that region and trade with the locals has been good, but I am definitely pleased to hear that travelers with a bit more martial talent than the average Guild clerk will be in the area!

One of my traveling salespeople has reported a sediment heap containing Coln Sand has built up on the edge of a river not too far from the Ganto Settlement, and I would be lying if I said the Guild was not interested in collecting some of it. Coln has properties that I have yet to find a substitute for east of the Grasslands, meaning that the traders we have dealt with thus far have been able to charge an arm and a sideburn for it, but here we have an opportunity to harvest a bit without paying a copper! Admittedly, my salesperson didn't go near it due to what she referred to as "dangers pertaining to sedimentary animation" in her report... but I'm sure that's nothing to adventurers like you!

That all said, if you find yourself with some open time, I would like to make a request that you venture to the aforementioned sediment buildup and see what you can gather on behalf of the Guild. As far as payment goes, if you can gather three good samples for the Guild to use in our studies for previously undiscovered uses, any remaining Coln samples in the deposit are yours to do what you wish with. I do not know the volume of the deposit, so I do not know if my requested three samples are the lion's share or a tiny fraction of what's to be unearthed, but my offer stands nonetheless.

If anyone is interested in assisting, I will make certain to send you directions to the exact spot of the deposit in question before you venture westward.

Warmest regards,
- Warner Perlian Duran
Senior Property and Resource Clerk of the Broker's Guild of Gaden
So what dis coln sand good for? It like Byzantium or sumthin? Like if me gave some to Benjamin he can make some super potion with it?

-Ragnarok of the Petara
Good question, Ragnarok!

Coln Sand has properties that cause flesh exposed to it to go numb. That said, I wouldn't suggest making a potion from it, since numbing your throat does not sound like a particularly pleasant situation to be in, but I imagine Coln could be useful in other methods where such a thing would be more appropriate. We know for a fact that some of the Grasslanders use it to make alchemical coatings capable of stunning limbs, and while we haven't done a lot of experimenting it with yet, we have hopes that we might be able to use Coln preparations for some form of anesthetic to aid in healing. We imagine that Coln Glass (which is, of course, made from Coln Sand) also could be useful in weapon preparations, but that's just a theory as well.

So, all in all, potentially quite useful stuff.

- Warner Perlian Duran