Responsible Adventuring


I think everyone can agree, that the last market day exposed a lack of Healing within the town. Granted there were many Earth scholars that did not travel to join us, but my upcoming point is still valid.

Please be a responsible adventurer and purchase potions.

They are cheap, easy to obtain from Casan, or Bob once he returns, and they can really take some pressure off the scholars. Simple things like: Cure light Wounds, Magic armor, Spell Shield. Honestly if you don't take the time to purchase potions for yourself, is it fair to assume the scholars around you will memorize protectives for you? I'm aware people have activates and things, but if you don't please buy potions.
Many of our seasoned adventurers tell stories about going entire market days nearly unconscious. Yes First Aid is a great Skill. However, a force fed potion get's the downed adventurer up and repairing his/her armor, before the First Aided adventurer even wakes up.

Even if you don't want to be a pocket healer. Say you're that front line fighter; well tell your companions where your potions are so they can feed them to you. Don't assume that only healers need potions. If every single townsmen bought 2 potions of Cure Light Wounds, imagine how much less healing we would use just to get people up and fighting.

Yes, potions can't replace Earth Scholars. But they can let our Earth Scholars backpack the Fighters more, and worry less about downed, but not dead, adventurers.

I would also like to point out that I am not receiving any money from Casan or the Merchants Guild at large. I just want to go through the entire upcoming Market day without someone ressurrecting. I purchased things from Casan before the last market day, and they proved quite valuable.

Casan does have to travel to fill orders, he doesn't walk around with 50 purify potions on him. So I would suggest you tell him your order, in writing, and it should be filled by the Fall.

Thank you Young Master Idris,

I will be able to fill orders as well for potions and scrolls. Just let me know what you need and either I will meet you at the start of market day or on your way to the market day. Ahlana, TadRon, Niae, Havok... heck anyone in the House of Games has been known to act as my proxy. I trust them implicitly. Please just give me your orders, I will give you a fair price 1.5x what it cost me to make them myself and get them delivered somehow to you. Bulk orders receive a bit better rates.

It troubled me greatly to hear how many of my friends and fellow adventures weakend their souls by resurrection this past market day. It angered me that I could not be there, but I am unable to leave off my duties for a full market day.

Many blessings to all,

P.s. Idris does not get a cut, but I am thinking to recruit him as my merchant apprentice. He should let me know if he is interested.
Heya Idris,

I agree we need all the healing we kin get so I'll help in anyway ah can. I have some coin I could lend ta the cause. We have some potions to hand out to anyone who wants em and will actually use em on anyone in town without reservation.

One issue Ive got is getting all those potions and elixirs inta those shiny vials.

If someone is interested in putting them in da vials fur me, I could buy a bunch of potions fur next market day and give that person some of them. Any takers?

I'm sorry da mists locked me out of Prath Moore last market day, and try as ah might, I couldn't make da journey ta help. I'm sad whenever anyone who takes arms ta fight dese monsters gets hurt, ta hear some had ta make da ultimate sacrifice ta keep da war effort alive strikes deeply ta my heart. I'll help in anyway I can. If someone needs potions and cant afford it, let me know ill do what I can ta help you, If someone doesn't have armor or any basic needs of an adventurer, let me know and i'll try ta help any way I can. Even if yar a few components short of making yarself a sword, arcane armor, or whatever, or ya jest need help finishing a quest, or whatever, let me know and ill see how ah kin help.

Hello Jehan,
Let me be first to take you up on your offer. I would love the best deal on healing potions (5) and arcane armor that can be had in these troubled times. And Idriss, thank you for the sensible message.

--Jonno the farmer