Resurrection Stories


To all za people of Fortannis-

Greetings! As part of my scholarly research ant efforts to becoming a better healer, I ‘ave been asked to make a collection of stories and fables to be used een resurrections from all za races of Fortannis.

My goal ees to von day ‘ave at least five to ten stories for each, but to start, I vould be more zan happy to have three person from each race to be villing to contribute. It does not matter eef you swing sword or make knowledge your weapon, perspective from all different type of adventurer from all race is important for my studies.

I understand zat some race are very secretive about sings about zheir people, zis is not effort to learn zeese secret. It is to help healers to learn about races of Fortannis ant help to make resurrections as comfortable as possible should zay happen to you or your fellow warriors. Since I only know za sings about my people, I am in need of your help!

Please send pigeon to me vis stories, ant I make sure you get your name written een book saying you helped to make it! Den look at you, you be writer ant eet just as easy as telling me about your people!

Vis freedom and love,

Larien Lissesul

OOG: Please send contributions to Thank You!!!
My most excellent Miss Larien,

While I myself have never performed a resurrection, there was once a tale my mother used in a resurrection of one of my old troupe nearly sixty years ago that you may be interested in "cataloguing", as it were. I shall see if I can recall the details of it, write up a draft for you, and send it in your direction through the mists.

~ Gandian Ravenscroft