Revenant's Run Introduction

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Minnesota Staff
Revenant's Run is a multi- year short-form campaign estimated to be 10 events using the Alliance Larp Rulebook with some additional modifications including a modified XP system, which will be found in an auxiliary game packet.

Revenant Run is a unique Non-Fortannis game which means everyone will be starting with a fresh 25xp character that will not be able to travel to other games in the Alliance organization. This also means characters, scrolls, magic items, etc. cannot be brought into or exit this campaign from other chapters and campaigns. Your characters should be separate, unique and unrelated to your Evodia and Fortannis game characters, there is also no ability to blanket your character or buy back events for additional XP, meaning all XP will be gained from attending events.

Revenant’s Run is set in a world recovering from a great calamity that happened long ago outside of living memory. There is little to no semblance of civilization. The people that live in this world are constantly in a state of poverty surviving the horrible monsters, roving marauders, and harsh environment. Players will all start as nobodys from various backwaters and roving bands of scavengers and survivors who have all heard word of a man named Doctor Shepard who is working to bring together folks who believe in a better way of life in order to establish a civilization in a place called Revenant's Run, that is free from the chaos, starvation, looting, pillaging, corruption and violence of the land. Looking back at where your from it can’t be worse than this right?

Revenants Run will be a dangerous game both in its setting difficulty and the low level gameplay it will require players to work together or die alone. This game will follow the treasure distribution methods of a standard alliance game to allow for players to experience the challenges of what a fresh game of alliance is like, meaning this campaign will be nowhere even remotely close to the Magic items, loot and luxuries you might be accustomed to. Death will be significantly more common due to the nature of level and available resources and due to changes to the Resurrection mechanics, Permanent death in the campaign will be highly more likely.

Welcome to Revenant's Run!
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