

During the last gather of adventurers to Hope's Reach a treason of the worst kind was committed. Someone infiltrated the ward of the Order of Shadow's Light, slew us in our sleep, and administered amnesias to each of us as we bled out our lifeblood.

I am hereby offering a bounty of 50 gold to the apprehension and conviction of the traitor.

Crimes Committed:

Honorable Gandian Ravenscroft of the Order of Shadow's Light was murdered
Honored Kinsman Targe was murdered
The Handmaiden of Sera Eldanduril, Eve was murdered
Honored Arcanist Dure'dhel of the Order of Shadow's Light was murdered
Honored Gorka of the Order of Shadow's Light was assaulted

Honorable Gandian Ravenscroft of the Order of Shadow's Light was illegally administered an amnesia elixir
Honored Kinsman Targe was illegally administered an amnesia elixir
The Handmaiden of Sera Eldanduril, Eve was illegally administered an amnesia elixir
Honored Arcanist Dure'dhel of the Order of Shadow's Light was illegally administered an amnesia elixir
Honored Gorka of the Order of Shadow's Light was illegally administered an amnesia elixir

In addition, an undisclosed significant quantity of gold was stolen, apparently as an afterthought.

I demand justice against this act of treason! The Sheriff Fern Woods has completed and investigation and it does appear that alchemy gas globes were involved in the assault which indicates the use of mind-altering gasses to gain entrance to the ward.

The recent increase in banditry must be stopped! Our order has freely given ourselves to the defense and security of Hope's Reach, as evidenced by the recent casting of the Haven of the Living upon the town tavern also known as the Falcon's Roost.

May the Light guide you and may Shadow guard your path.

Arcanist Dure'dhel
A crime such as this is indeed terrible and the wrongdoers need to be brought to justice. I will aid you in any way possible, but as of right now this is the first I've heard of this, so currently I know nothing. Should you require my assistance, I will try to be there.

~Brother Icey of the Brotherhood of Light

As a large number of spent gas globes was found at the scene of the crime I am currently compiling a list of all alchemists capable of the proper throwing of alchemical globes.

I am questioning a few persons of interest when I next have the chance.

Hello Dure'dhel and order of shadows light.
What i just read saddened me then it outraged me.
If you need my help i would be more than happy to put those that murdered you and manipulated your mind into sheriff ferns hands.
As most of you know i have a great hatred for murder and also an even greater hatred of manipulating ones mind.
I will be around next market day and want to talk to you all.
I will prepare specifically for helping you all.
The fact that someone would do this to your group astounds me.
Gorka i will want to talk to you when we next see each other.
I don't have much gold but if you need some to get up and running i can probably give you a few gold.
Now i'm angry and wanting to go on the hunt.
If you need anything all you need to do is ask.
Your friend.
I am adding to the reward for the apprehension and conviction of the one that murdered my Order.

I will pay 25 gold myself, in addition to a free ritual casting, for the conviction of someone so treasonous, they would murder people in their sleep. I will be in the area in a few weeks.

Whoever you are - if I find you before Fern does - you'll be begging for Fern by the time I'm through with you.

Eric Marsters
Earth Formalist of the Earth Guild of Wayside
Plutonian Apprentice of the Celestial Guild of Wayside
Brother of the Brotherhood of the Light
Healer of the Order of Shadows Light
Angry Dual School Caster
Eric Marsters,
While I understand that this is a travesty, and a very serious crime, I am advising you to leave alluded promises of torture unsaid entirely. Do remember that not only do adventurers dream, but also those with the capacity to act as judge and jury. If it is found that you have caused harm against this person, no matter what crimes they have committed, you would still be held accountable for your own.

To all adventurers,
Please share any information you may have regarding this crime with your Sheriff instead of investigating leads on your own. The system is in place for a reason. Though I know many adventurers do not follow the structure of society, this is a point in which working together as a community will be beneficial.
Humble servant of Gaden,
Lady Siobhoan Grey
Fynwei said:
Eric Marsters,
While I understand that this is a travesty, and a very serious crime, I am advising you to leave alluded promises of torture unsaid entirely. Do remember that not only do adventurers dream, but also those with the capacity to act as judge and jury. If it is found that you have caused harm against this person, no matter what crimes they have committed, you would still be held accountable for your own.

To all adventurers,
Please share any information you may have regarding this crime with your Sheriff instead of investigating leads on your own. The system is in place for a reason. Though I know many adventurers do not follow the structure of society, this is a point in which working together as a community will be beneficial.
Humble servant of Gaden,
Lady Siobhoan Grey

Lady Grey,

I would not dare lay a hand on the one that murdered my friends. What I allude to, is exactly that - never laying a hand on them. If I find the person dying, or injured, I would not call upon the earth to bind their wounds, nor would I grant them the power to sustain themselves. I'd furthermore actively work to ensure that no law-abiding citizen of Gaden ever laid a hand on the person either.

It is a dangerous world out there when you can't be healed. Once the person resurrects, and eventually, they would, they would have no one local to resurrect them. Attempting to resurrect on your own is extraordinarily painful, and is far worse then any torture man could devise. I would normally take this extraordinary step, but murder, in cold blood, deserves it.

If there is a law that requires those that can cast healing magics, do so, please let me know. Otherwise, I do apologize for not being clearer with my statements before. This is a very troubling time for myself.

Eric Marsters
Please, be mindful of your words all...

With honor...
Thorador Boulderfist'

Slightly a proper dwarf
I would be willing to lend my abilities to the hunt for this criminal. I find myself untested and eager to practice my powers over memory though they aren't very strong yet. I will be at this upcoming market day, though I won't be in town for a while after so if anyone has anything they could use my assistance on, please tell me this market day and be prepared to act on it.

Keep your Fethery Prying Mind away from my Brothers!
