Rides to Chicago


Colorado Staff
David and Josh have 12 seats. (2 vans). Reasonably, only 5 people per car, maybe 4. One van HAS to leave at about 5 pm (yes, during rush hour). I am training so cannot leave work early.

Van 1 (Late leaving van)
David - PC
Andrea - PC
Nathan - NPC
Ryan Be. - ?
Teague - ?
Courtney - PC

Van 2 (Maybe leaving early van?)
Josh - NPC
Dan - NPC

PLEASE CONFIRM WHICH VAN YOU'RE GOING IN AND IF YOU ARE PCing or NPCing. If you'd like to hitch a ride, it looks like we definitely have a spot or two open. People from my van (the late leaving van) should probably go with Dan if they want to show up on time.
I am training so cannot leave work early.
Full time jobs in training ftw. Though now I'm finally out of training. I'll be NPCing. Just keep me in the first car, I don't mind leaving later.
The vehicle I'm going with will not be leaving before 3-ish, as I work in the morning as well. It will probably be easier to manage if both vehicles leave at the same time. Also, I was thinking about taking my car as opposed to Dan's van. Last time we had excess space and my car gets better mileage than a van would. My car can hold 4 or 5 people (5 might be a little cramped) and has a good amount of trunk space for luggage and whatnot. With the number of PC's to NPC's that we have I don't think space will be a problem
Both Nathan and I will be coming down to Dave C's after Nathan is done with classes. We'll be down there a little before 5pm. Yes he is NPCing and I am PCing.
So what I'm hearing is something like this:

Vehicle 1 (David's van)
David - PC
Andrea - PC
Nathan - NPC
Ryan Be. - NPC
Teague - ?
Courtney - PC

Vehicle 2 (Josh's car)
Josh - NPC

I would like to ask someone to switch into my car just so I wouldn't be driving by myself for like eight hours or whatever it is. Maybe we should just all meet at David's house around five-ish and figure our rides there?
I am totally up for riding with Dan up there earlier. Spread the gas bill around / open up space for more stuff. I also am liking going earlier.

Excited to see everyone.
Paul has informed me that all MN drivers who step up to take extras/anyone will get gobbies for helping get more people down to the event. I hope that everyone that had planned to come gets to, see you all in Chicago!
Indeed, I will make it worth the sacrifice to pack a little light to snag an extra person to help them out. :)