Rides to Feb event


Yes, the official thread!

All ye who need a ride or can give a ride hijack this thread!

I have one seat available. I will be leaving Mukilteo at approx. 1:30pm on Friday of the event.

PM/call/email/IM for slot.

If there is a spare seat in anyone's car heading up from Portland, I'd appreciate the ride. My car is not what it used to be, and I don't entirely trust it to make the trip.


Jeff Stone
I would be Happy to help Accept my car already filled up and it is leaving a day late. Sorry though. Talk to Paul maybe.
Jeff, I might be going but it totally depends on work and money. If i do go, then i wont be leaving till after work friday night at 11pm. I have my truck and a seat is all yours if you want it. Ill let you know my situation as I find out myself.
And let me just tell you ahead of time that the default answer to "Can I get a ride?" for my car is "no!"

I have to drive myself to the event. So, I can't take along anybody.

Jeff, Sadly most of the old oregon players now live in Washington so there is only a handful of us still down here. Right now my truck is full, although if that changes, I will let you know. Other people that still live here would be Jeff Rainville and Brian, or if you go further south, Ken.

And, unfortunately, I'm riding with bryan, as is Adam who's flying up from cali to play, so we're more than full in B's subaru. I'm guessing that Steph is your best bet going. That or harass the hell out of Tim or Dennis :D (good luck with that btw)
Paul said:
And let me just tell you ahead of time that the default answer to "Can I get a ride?" for my car is "no!"

I have to drive myself to the event. So, I can't take along anybody.


Well how old is he Paul if he is over 21 he is fine to ride with you? How old are you Jeff stone? If you are over 25 and have had that license for more that six months i may be able to work with you you will be a day late though.
Egor I'm 27, but if you are going to be a day late I think I will either hope Steph goes or risk having my car break down. Steph let me know when you are sure whether or not you are going.

Thanks everyone
alrighty..I have off work on that saturday. However I dont get off work friday till 11pm. which means we'll get there around 1am.
I'm more then willing to take ya with me if you still need it.
Ok, i have that weekend off, but i need a ride, does anybody have room in their car for one more from everett?

Shane Renner
I still have a spot open. Leaving at the above posted time.
I need a ride, and I cant leave till after 5 (yay for work, boo for time restraints).

I live in Bellevue as well. Please help meh!
Yeah for broken vehicles

I don't know if my car will be fixed by the event (as it died on Sunday). So instead of planning on uncertainties, my brother and myself will be in need of a ride to the event. We don't necessarily need to ride in the same car, both live in Ballard, and can leave at any time on Friday. Please pm me if you could possibly help either or both of us out.

Well, I am going to try to get my car fixed this weekend, so it looks like I should be able to drive myself up to the event. Thanks everyone for offering rides to me.