Avaran said:With the Parry skill, you can Parry a blow for someone who is in the range of your weapon.
I was wondering...can the same be done with the Riposte skill? i.e. Can you Riposte a blow for someone who is within the range of your weapon?
jpariury said:Yes. Pg 50, 5th paragraph under the skill description. please note that with both Parry and Riposte, you must actually move between the attacker and the attacked (safety permitting).
No, no, no, no.Masticon said:Can you Parry a Spellstrike that hits a target within reach of your sword and take the effects yourself?
Can you Spell Parry a spell that hits a target within reach of your sword to cancel out the effect?
Can you Spell Parry a spellstrike that hits a target within reach of your sword?
Can you Spell Parry a spell that hits a target within reach of your sword and take the effects yourself?
the Ritual Scroll said:This ritual allows the wielder of the weapon the ritual is cast upon to use a parry (if they may parry with the weapon) to Cloak any battle magic spell or attack of Magic <Battle Magic Spell> that would normally affect them, the spell or Magic attack must hit the wielder of the weapon, the parry cannot be used to intercept a spell on another target. Spell Parry may also be used to negate Spell strikes. Battle magic spell is defined as any spell listed in the current version of the NERO rules and rules addendum used by Nero Alliance.
Diera said:Aka: Spell Parry is a one shot cloak: any magical effect and use your parry, where Cloak is cloak: specific magical (or other) effect group.
Diera said:Is spell parry supposed to be times per day? If it is, that would be something that would make it better than just a cloak, since to get a cloak to be times per day you have to cast a second ritual on it.
On a somewhat related (and complete griping) note... I don't have access to the scroll or the ritual database, as most normal marshals don't. Makes it a bit peskier to answer questions relating to formals, don't you think?
Derek Ironhammer said:Is there something in it that you think needs to be reworded or removed, and if so... what wording would you suggest?
The Ritual Scroll said:This ritual allows the wielder of the weapon the ritual is cast upon to use a parry (if they may parry with the weapon) to Cloak any effect with Magic type delivery that would normally affect them.
Polare Lissenstine said:The fix I'd suggest is very simple. Spell Parry's current definition of "Magic" is at odds to the rest of the rulebook. Instead, make its definition of "Magic" jive with everything else -- no special specifics for battle magic, just anything with "Magic" delivery in the same way Resist Magic works for anything with "Magic" delivery.
Since Magic type delivery is defined very clearly in the rulebook (it has to be for Resist Magic), this should be sufficient. It would be great if you could use it for other people as well (as per a "mundane" Parry) or even better if you could Bane by using a Riposte, but those would just be gravy. My big beef with the scroll is the whole "Almost a Cloak vs Magic but not really because we won't follow the standardized delivery / effect rules we have in place".
Masticon said:This, however would make it more powerful than a resist magic as resist magics can NOT be used to resist a "Magic: Ritual Name".
Also worth noting is that there is no Cloak Magic available to PCs as per the ritual system so in truth having something that is almost a cloak magic is actually very useful.
jpariury said:So long as it happens within a moment or two of each other, I don't see that it should matter. Can you think of an instance where it should?