Ripples in the Eddy


Having recovered from the last session, let me remind those who are hurtling towards joining me in my doom that I shall return Late Saturday night three weeks hence. If you went before, all you need to do is not come to your senses and show up. If you want to join midstream you'll need to bring silver.

as a reminder we'll need the following

Just one set - A fine beverage, I hear blue ales are quite good. Some kind of cooked meat (these are for me!)

Each person involved, I need these for the magics,

15 pieces of Silver - If this is the first time you are entering the dreams.
One personal possession of great sentimental value
A supply of food and water for after.

-Merrick the Sage
I failed to make haste to you before Merrik. I will not make the same mistake twice. I have never been one for being wise. But wisdom comes from mistakes.
I will be there.

Careful Ragnarok,

It be very strong magic, very dangerous and me no trust unnatural change of time. Me urge tribesman no go. Me no go back!

-Cho Ko Nu