Ritual Activation Question

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Most activatable rituals seem to have rhetoric that states only the person in possession of the ritual can use it. For instance, Bane has the following:

"When struck with an Effect from the Effect Group of the Bane, the possessor must state Bane <Effect or Effect Group>."

Expanded Enchantment has the following:

"This Expanded Enchantment spell can be cast once per day at the choice of the possessor of the item into which it was cast or the person on which it was cast."

Now, I have a question for several different scenarios: Can a person use an activatable that is attached to an incapacitated person?

Scenario 1: Person A has a pouch with a Bane Necromancy on it, but Person A is asleep (in need of an Awaken spell). Person B picks up Person A and starts running. Person B is knowledgable of the pouch ability. Who is the current possessor of the ritual effect? If Person B is hit by a Cause Mortal Wounds effect is he allowed to Bane it?

Scenario 2: Person C is wearing a shirt with an activatable Life and they die. Person D comes over and grabs hold of the shirt, but does not take the shirt off. Who is in possession of the shirt? Can Person D activate the Life?

Scenario 3: A weapon is Spirit Linked/Locked to Person E. Is Person E always the possessor of that item? Or can Person F grab the weapon and activate the item's rituals?

Scenario 4: Lets combine Scenario 2 and Scenario 3. Person G has a Spiritlinked weapon with an activatable Life, but dies, can Person H grab the weapon and activate the Life on Person G?

I had other questions involving rituals cast on the body, but a local marshal answered them well enough. :) These scenarios, though, confused me. Keep in mind that this is all in a non-ideal combat setting (i.e. assume that all involved parties are knowledgable of the ritual they want to activate, assume no holds for transferring tags, etc.).
Alavatar said:
... Can a person use an activatable that is attached to an incapacitated person?

Yes, and you can even use an activatable that is attached to a non-incapacitated person, so long as safety is kept the primary concern. See following answers for details.

Scenario 1: Person A has a pouch with a Bane Necromancy on it, but Person A is asleep (in need of an Awaken spell). Person B picks up Person A and starts running. Person B is knowledgable of the pouch ability. Who is the current possessor of the ritual effect? If Person B is hit by a Cause Mortal Wounds effect is he allowed to Bane it?

Yes (but if someone is carrying another person to use as a 'human shield' or 'portable magic item holder' they will likely be called for safety concerns).

Scenario 2: Person C is wearing a shirt with an activatable Life and they die. Person D comes over and grabs hold of the shirt, but does not take the shirt off. Who is in possession of the shirt? Can Person D activate the Life?

Either person can activate the Life (obviously, if someone tries to activate the Life and it's already been used, the person with the tag ring needs to let others around know via a 'Flub' call).

Scenario 3: A weapon is Spirit Linked/Locked to Person E. Is Person E always the possessor of that item? Or can Person F grab the weapon and activate the item's rituals?

Person F may activate the item's rituals. If they try something unsafe (wielding the weapon while it's spiritlinked to someone else, for instance), they will be cited for unsafe actions. Added: Spirit Locked items, as per the scroll, can't be activated by someone else.

Scenario 4: Lets combine Scenario 2 and Scenario 3. Person G has a Spiritlinked weapon with an activatable Life, but dies, can Person H grab the weapon and activate the Life on Person G?


It's pretty much "you can use items on yourself, you can use items on other people, as long as you aren't being unsafe about it and you know that the items are there".

Additional notes:

- Just like any magic item, you have to have had the item IDed yourself or someone explain its use to you before you can use it. You can't just grab someone and blow all their magic items.

- If there's someone obviously in possession of the item, the possessor has to be willing or incapacitated and you must be aware of and touching the item.

If there are additional questions on this, it would probably be worth raising them on the regular rules forum for discussion.

-Bryan Gregory
ARC Member
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