Ritual Casting Clarifications

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The owners have approved the following clarifications:

1. A "Batch" for the purposes of casting a ritual is defined as a series of rituals of the same Aspect cast in succession and asserted by the caster to be part of a contiguous batch. No more than 5 minutes may pass between the casting of individual rituals in a batch; should this time limit expire, the batch is closed.

2. Haven of the Living / Domain of the Defiled is targeted as "Physical: Location", where Location is defined as per a valid target for a Ward or Wizard Lock spell.

3. Protection Aura is General aspect and when cast is aspected as per the Caster.

4. Racial Transformation should read "Wylderkin" instead of "Scavenger".

5. The extraneous words "been transferred" should be disregarded on the Regeneration scroll.

6. The Render Indestructible and Render Indestructible Improved rituals will make a suit of armor that they are cast upon completely uneffected ("No Effect") to Shatter or Destroy spells.
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