Ritual Casting for THE Party


Chicago Staff

So I'll be at this gathering, and as a Spectacular Duel School Ritualist I will be doing rituals for anyone that needs them! I will admit I'm not as great as some others and sure, there are folks who could do way more powerful strength rituals, but I have something they don't have, NO CLASS!

If you want a ritual that I can actually do it'll be 1g for every 5min of casting. Need a Ritual Manipulation, YOU'RE OUT OF LUCK PAL. Find someone else who will just sit in a circle and look at it humming. OR you can have a ritual done with flare and pizazz and all sorts of gross and cool things. Does your average ritual casters have a jar of dead bees? I didn't think so! How about a years worth of fingernail clippings? How about TEETH that were just lying around under peoples pillows? Darn right they won't have those.

So come get a Ritual done by me, Maiev Cromwell!

Earthen Tomes Known: 19
Celestial Tomes Known: 1

-Maiev, Princess Trixy of Fassitha
Greetings Maiev,

My dearest friend, it's been so long since I've seen you! I'm glad to see you flourishing and are well at work with a business venture! I'll also be in attendance at this gala, and I look forward to connecting with you again!

If it pleases you, I can lend my Ritual Strength to more complicated rituals of Earthen aspect that may be commissioned of you. If you have need of added tomes, please come find me, and I'll cut a very favorable deal for my tomes to customers using your services- whatever is the fair going rate is for a contribution of ritual strength in Evodia, I will provide at up to a 50% discount to them (provided the customer has earned your favor). This will be of no added expense to you, of course, as one of my first friends among the mists! I have been studying hard, and currently have twenty eight tomes at my disposal.

Again, I look forward to seeing you! I'll be either in the Tavern or wherever merchants are allowed to settle, and will be selling Savory Snacks, Sweets and Refreshments from members of the visiting Merchants' Row.

With warmest regards,
Housemother Adlao- HM, OPH
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Im now a little 50\50 on whether Ill even find the place but know I shall never forget the fierce rivalry over a used bloody dress we once had, or the fact next market you gave it to me because you realized it truly was just trash! That is true friendship!
