Ritual Casting Services for 1513


Chicago Staff
Friends and Adventurers of Shademarch,

As a seasoned Formalist in the magicks of Earth, I am offering my services to those that have ritual scrolls that are in need of casting. Besides being able to create wondrous items, empower the spirit and/or other miscellaneous forms of prestige, I am also offering spellcrafting to be utilized as well.

My compensation for performing a ritual scroll on an individual basis can be negotiated with me in private, subject to it's difficulty and danger. All ritual castings for the good of the town will always be free, provided the components are supplied.

If you wish to use my spellcrafting services, please send me a message a week prior to the market day, to prepare my mind for such a use.

In terms of my magical ability, I have a 90% chance of success to reforge someones spirit to that of an able mage, skilled artisan or fierce warrior. Likewise, I am currently at the required mental state to transfer the magical energies of an object or spirit to another. My knowledge of the formal arts will only grow to greater heights this year, and it is my hope that soon I will become as knowledgeable in the formal arts as Arcanist Dure'hdel, or even the Wizard Kovu some day.

- Warden Asher Oakheart,
As I will be in attendance during this market day, I once again extend my services for the town. I will not deter you from using the Arcanist’ services, however should you require an Earthen Formalist, I can provide area of formal expertise.

- Warden Asher of Earthen Magicks
I do, however my resources have have been pushed to the limit with last minute rituals requiring my remaining high magic. While I can no longer spellcraft this next gathering, perhaps another member of the Earth Guild could benefit from your request; perhaps Jamina, Icey or Kit.


Dure'dhel is also offering spellcrafting, including Cloaks. You could contact him perhaps.

May the Light guide you, the Shadow guard your path, your Words have Power, and your Memories be Knowledge,
~ Gandian Ravenscroft
Please let me know if anyone has a Ritual that would require casting, or in need of any Spellcrafting.

- Asher
I should have enough knowledge for any rituals intended to be cast this next market. Please contact my privately if you need anything spellcrafted or cast.

Thank you,
Druid Asher
Again, services are provided should you want/need them. As an added bonus, any ritual in which you have cast by me will include me restoring your body to full, and gifting you with an elemental shield. I believe I should have the 24th Book on Formal Magic read by then, but this one is proving to be rather thick.

Additionally, if it's difficulty is simple enough, I can Spark or Touch of Empower it, giving it a 1 day or 5 day additional effect respectively.

Thank you,