Ritual Extending

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Alliance Rules
Gettysburg Staff
When calculating the difficulty and component cost of a Preserve Duration or Permanence do you include the extender ritual in the number of rituals to be extended?

Example: Bob creates an item with 4 Cloak vs. Alteration. He casts the 4 cloak rituals and then wishes to extend it within the same batch. When the difficulty and component cost is to be determined, does his marshal use the 1-4 ritual line or the 5-8 ritual line?
Q. When calculating the difficulty and component cost of a Preserve Duration or
Permanence do you include the extender ritual in the number of rituals to be

Example: Bob creates an item with 4 Cloak vs. Alteration. He casts the 4 cloak
rituals and then wishes to extend it within the same batch. When the difficulty
and component cost is to be determined, does his marshal use the 1-4 ritual line
or the 5-8 ritual line?

A. The extension ritual is not included in the number of rituals to be extended
(so you will never be able to extend 20 rituals under normal circumstances).

-Bryan Gregory
ARC Member
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