Rule Book from another state?


Well my question is this my friend moved where I'am living and he has a Minnosota rule book I'am in Ohio now would I be able to look through his rule book and learn somethings or would i have to have one from ohio?
Ohio doesn't have a localized rulebook. All of our LCO rules, the few we have, are listed in our OOG forum and the lore of the land is all on the IG portion of the Ohio website.
If the ohio chapter gets to continue hosting events, you will be completely fine with the alliance larp rulebook and the rulebook addendum thats posted in the rules forum. We use the national rules for everything except for when things are not defined on a national level yet, and follow suit when those things get clairified. Any weird craazy LCO stuff will be posted on the boards and alliance ohio website, but there are very few of these.
Well, the book, the addendum, and a few forum posts that are somewhere in the Rules forum with the bits about latex weapons and whatnot in them.