Rulebook Club


Rulebook Club

We realized that we did not have as firm a grasp on the 2.0 Rulebook as we would like. So instead of just doing this alone, we are extending a chance for New/Old members from all over Alliance LARP to come together once a week and join us in a Rulebook Club.

We would like to take this opportunity during this downtime to create a community that has a firmer grasp on the Rulebook, NPCs that understand and can explain the rules, as well as a change for people to become marshals should they chose that path.

We will meet every week on Thursday (7-9pm MST). We have a Discord chat Rulebook Club: (Text & Voice) to discuss what we read that week. Should there be questions we have and clarifications we can take to the Rules Committee should questions come up that we cannot answer.

Here are the specifics:
· We will cover different sections of the Rulebook each week
· Marshal Test at the end if you want
· Anyone is welcome to attend


Week 1 – Intro, Races, Classes
Pages 1-24

Week 2 – Skill System, Skill Cost, Production
Pages 25-37

Week 3 – Skills
Pages 38-61

Week 4 – Special Abilities, Mental Abilities
Pages 62 – 76

Week 5 – Armor, Weapons, Life & Death
Pages 77 – 91

Week 6 – Combat, Effects and Delivery,
Pages 92 – 107 (Stop at the lovely photo of Captain Roberts)

Week 7 – Magic, Alchemy
Pages 108-147

Week 8 – High magic, Ritual
Pages 148 – 171

Week 9 – Traps/Locks (Recap)
Pages 172 – 176

Week 10 – Recap & Marshals Test (If desired)