
So last event it came to my attention that there was something like one rulebook on site (thanks to Jeff), and I was wondering if staff would be making a new order of them any time in the near future. I know I would definitely buy one, and I'd much rather do it through staff than Amazon (to heck with four-week-or-never deliveries.)

Jenali said:
So last event it came to my attention that there was something like one rulebook on site (thanks to Jeff), and I was wondering if staff would be making a new order of them any time in the near future. I know I would definitely buy one, and I'd much rather do it through staff than Amazon (to heck with four-week-or-never deliveries.)


I had two there! :)

If there is a demand (ie people respond to this thread) we can see about doing an order of the 3.1 rule books.
That one was for logistics which no one claimed to have one available for. By the way, that book is STILL in logistics stuff but has my name on it. Can someone keep it safe till Feb?
I wouldn't mind a 3.1 rulebook versus a 3.0 rulebook myself. But I'm a notorious rules lawyer or something like that.

I promise to continue using my powers only for the good and the light.
My brother ordered one for me off of Amazon, and it arrived yesterday. And surprise surprise it was autographed by MikeV. to me (sweet). I'm very happy.

I don't know if this will help anyone else but i have a book now so i won't have to pester any to pick my spells again. (Many thanks to Brad who helped me pick my spells and to understand what the did).


Hi, Jen and I (Dave) are comming from the east cost, and it is likely that we will be stopping over Mike V's house next weekend. Would you like us to pick up rulebooks? I prefer to "sell" them to Staff there and have people buy them from staff, so that we're not stuck with 10 extra rulebooks.

Shane or whomever is in charge, can you reply for me?