Rumors - December 1515


I heard that with the Harroc Dead, the corrupt will sue for peace soon, why are we still wasting so much money on fighting them?

What’s with all creatures lately? I swear I saw my neighbor’s dog tearing apart the damn he just build this spring. I could have sworn I saw his eyes glowing Blue at the time.

Have you heard the news? Some of the Sarr from the grasslands have been reporting a bunch of smoke coming from the wastelands, what is that about?

It’s weird that Ser Griffon hasn’t taken a squire, I’ll be he wants to keep all the accolades to himself!

I think that wormkin is going to overtake that Rabbit as the strangest crafter in Horizon, I could have sworn I saw him try to talk some seeds into taking root inside of him.

I’m worried that the Petaran are going to go on a war path soon, they keep babbling about a new “Stonebearer” that’s arisen, honestly who cares about a magic rock?

I hear that Kirna Lightfoot has been recruiting heavily to build a new team for the next time the Silver Frond is put up for competition, shouldn’t that be happening this year some time?

Jimmy Three Face is planning something BIG, I mean HUGE, what is it? You think I’d tell you?

The Cease fire with Bomae is all well and good I suppose, but can someone let the Gypsies know about it, they seem as agitated as ever.

I hear Kitauren is Jimmy Three Face.

I thought I saw Gandian around a few weeks ago, I thought he died when the destroyer of worlds took out the empire?

Those snakemen have gotten really uppity lately, since when did they have so much celestial magic? What’s that? No they haven’t really been causing any problems with it, they just seem…uppity.

It took me four years to discover how to turn Gold into copper, and now suddenly they claim I misunderstood what they wanted?!

I can’t get my little girl to stop climbing on that giant new tree, she’s sure it’s safe, but I don’t feel that way when she’s 15 feet up.

I heard there is a celestialist that’s figured out how to reverse spells in memory. Wonder if that’s illegal like chaos is, but if it is, how do you know if the guy casting an ice bolt is doing it legally or not?