((Rumors from Late Summer))


New Hampshire Staff

((Gossip has been intensifying towards the end of the summer - there is a heightened sense of anxiety around the town of Myerston, with concerned whispers and dramatic stories being shared in the tavern and around campfires. If your character spends time on The Isle of Khar-Durai, you would likely have the opportunity to hear tales like this in your travels.))

I heard tell that out in the wilderness out there, you'll find patches of the isle that have been absolutely torn up. I mean, devastated, ripped through, destroyed. Like some sorta giant beast just went rampaging and cut a path through anything in front of it. And, well, I heard that the destruction almost looked like some sorta camp or hideout. But it was too demolished to be sure, so don’t take my word on that.

Animals have been really skittish lately. I bet they’re getting scared of all this new noise and industry here… Or maybe it’s that terrible smell coming from the southeast marsh. What do you think that is, rotting mushrooms?

((Various flyers are seen pinned on boards around town)) Have you seen all these “Missing Person” notices? Yeah, multiple people! No idea. The one about that man, Brennan, has been up over a week, now! Still, no news. I even heard Erin’s boy went missing, recently. Really scary!

Get this - there is a hidden cave of treasures somewhere on this island, and Bennington is absolutely searching for it. No doubt. In fact, there is a secret tunnel under Bennington's house that leads to an underground city! This guy is keeping all sorts of secrets.

Okay, so you know how Selunari live out on the water around the Isle? Yeah, their whole society floats! No, I’m not done, there’s more - there are actually elves living in the sky on floating magic islands! Yeah, you thought living on the water was strange? Check it out. Look it up. They’re up there.

Deeproot is really a werebear. I wouldn’t trust him.