Rumors Heard About Westhaven and The Front


Old Lady Torgensen has now won pie contests in three duchies! No no, they were baking contests so bread and pies! Strangely I heard every judge has died. THOSE PIES MUST BE AMAZING. I totally want some Torgensen baked goodness!

The hooting and howling at night has stopped! So glad all those were creatures finally got put down by adventurers or learned to be civilized whatever it is.

I heard that one Princess you know the one is a Euphoria addict.

Dwarves have been seen fighting dwarves in the big cities. Some of them are being called the Bloody Handed...sounds so evil. Bet the Northlands are next to fall to undead, than the leaf crown and than it's all over.

Master Asura of the Solar’s MADE MAGIC!!!! He fixed one of those antimagic zones! I bet he could unravel Stahn Revahns very being!

A Lycanthrope army in the Northlands? What does that even mean but I heard a scout from Sir Ganavans forces talking about it.

The Ice Giants have walked away from the battlefield- Mad about “Betrawal” - you mean betrayal -NO silly, everyone knows giants don't pronounce things properly

The Fire Giants have pushed back the Kings Army. All the gained ground around Dells Landing has once more been lost. Luckily Sir Ganavan himself commands the garrison and is holding strong but this could be a really bad sign!


Ternian Refugees have begun to flood border villages just beyond the wall.

Duke Henri has been leading Waysides Western Army into the Ternian Empire to secure the main gates of the Wall and to allow refugees safe passage.

The Barbarians say they are neutral yet 10k or more march under the banners of King O’Dell.

Duchess Fairfax is on walkabout touring the other Duchies- I bet she is bored of that thug she married already!

Duchess Fairfax has gone into hiding to have crazed fae baby abominations in secret!

Duchess Fairfax and Baron Fairfax make a great couple! He must be heartbroken she has to do Ducal business away from home!

I heard the Razor Boars are moving to Gaden - thats another mist sphere right?

I heard the Selunari looted Gaden in its most desperate hour! They should all be put down. SFW anyone? You mean Selunari Free Wayside should be reformed! Lets do it!

Jonah Stone has taken a few hundred supporters to Anret- his probation ended and he fled the Kingdom.

The Corrupt are defeated in Gaden! Where is that? I dont know- but still great news!

I heard the Leaf Crown sent an ambassador to Westhaven to speak with the Duchess and she permed him. No silly she sent him to the work camps!

Baron Selmi is a nice guy! He is doing all the work for Duchess Fairfax while she is pregnant.

I think in time of war we need a wedding! Lets marry a Princess to the nice Ternian Emperor fellow or maybe to King O'Dell to end the war! Err King O'Dell is married, how about one of his sons? I love a wedding....lalalaladdididiada

I heard the adventurers are cannibals they have been eating corpses and delivering them to the Earth Guild!

The Farmhouse murderer is dead! How do you know? Wishful thinking.
