Rumors Heard Around Gavaria


Chicago Staff
The Trolls have been very quiet lately, I hope they aren’t planning another raid on our food supplies!

Captain Benwin tried to sail through The Tempest again.
Well the fact you’re so calm about it means he resurrected again.
Yeah, this time. The Mans crazy, nothing can bring down that storm.

I think my fiance is mad at me. I’ve written her letters in the last week to the town of Maple in East Atish but she hasn’t replied. I wish we had a more reliable message system.

There’s been a lot of talk about new Sentinels joining the Blackmoon Sentinels. I feel safer already with more Monster Slayers about.

I think the Garret Trading Company has single handedly saved Gavaria from starvation more times than any other merchant group. The rituals he cast made this the best Cranberry harvest yet!

Another river boat was sunk on route towards Rosen. I heard it was The Aquavian Cabal. The lone survivor said everyone else was drowned.
You mean they drowned?
No, creatures drowned them.

I swear I saw a ship dumping crates of some kind overboard in the middle of the night. Weirdest part was, an hour later, they were pulling crates back on board! How weird do you have to be? Their cargo needs a midnight swim?

Did you hear that the Bandits that stole from The Golden Clank Conglomerate STILL haven’t been caught!

There’s a sickness going around eastern Gavaria by huggard snake fleas. Ranchers have it rough this year. Domesticating a huggard snake isn’t easy. The alpaca herds will be in trouble if all the huggard snakes die.

Did you hear the story about the ghost of a little girl that died in a lab accident. She haunts a disappearing house in the woods.

I don’t trust that Racoonkyn passing around those invitations for Granny Moseby. I ain't going to be eaten like those Gabberal Children
Wait, Granny Moseby ate them?
Probably, they left the house around the age of 16 and never came back to their folks home
Um, that’s called growing up and leaving the house..
Wait, we’re supposed to move out?

I saw a conglomerate guard speaking to a giant octopus. I’m not drunk yet, I mean it! It handed him a parcel and swam away.

Heard there’s a bird Kyn offering a reward to break somebody out of jail.

If I ever hear another dad joke again I'll....well I'll....something something
Go crazy?

The Starr Merchants have apparently been being harassed by some cat burglar for a while now. They're still pretty upbeat about everything though. Good for them.

The new Queen Ann of Cranberry Land is a delight. So fashionable and lovely. She even talked about making a special trip to Atupal. I hope she’s treated kindly. Or there will be fire and fury to pay for insulting Queen Ann!

You ever heard a gravestone laugh?
Apparently it's quite humerus .
I hate you.
No but seriously, I'm NOT having my mom buried there
I also heard a rumor about a new blade master school in Atupal...
