Rumors heard around town in November...

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
“You know, I’ve gotten so accustomed to all the crows that it almost seems weird that they’re gone and not cawing at all hours of the night and keeping me awake. Not that I mind, mind you - thank you, adventurers!”

“With all these zombie attacks, I reckon there’s hardly a silver coin left in Old Hearth anymore...”

“Congratulations to Lady Elle and Ser Kurzon! We wish them the best with their new life together!”

"I heard adventuring librarians are so strict, they roll you like a scroll if you don't return the book on time!"

“SouthwestHaven has no gargoyles anymore? Is that because the Founder guy died, or did they just redecorate?”

“Some days, I’ve seen patches of dark clouds swirling above the Ternian Empire from time to time in short bursts. Whatever they are, they aren’t natural, and I’d bet my dinner it’s got something to do with powerful ritual magic.”

"Hey, the Earth Circles seem to be working again! Sure, there's still some chaosy junk on the folks that resurrect, but I'd rather have that than having them not resurrect at all!"

"Did you hear about what really happened with Binar at the Celestial guild?! All the Masters are trying to keep it quiet."

"Master Anto San is back in town looking for adventurer support. The timing is suspect, I wonder what Koshinari is up to. Do you think he's making a play for King?"

"HAHA! Squire Rags is hardcore! After they killed Lennox, he ate her heart!"

"I saw a big snake with some old rags wrapped around it on my morning walk!
"Me too!"
"Me three!"
"Me as well! What are the odds of there being four of those snakes out and about?"

“Penguins! Are everywhere! They keep giving away are they really sweet until you say no to the egg…”

“Singing Spirits, Singing Crabs, Singing Adventurers, ohhh the music….”

"My sister Carol is happy to go back to work reorganizing the Great Library! Before she had to evacuate, she saw these green-eyed undead picking up the rarest books and sending them far away with magic, though. Just weird - what would Hook need with those?"

“Orcs and Ogres have been sighted in clumsy, clunky ships just off the coast in a dozen locations. The Navy is driving them off with pretty good success so far, though.”

“Fun fact: Drinking ten Intoxicates and ten Enfeebles, alternating between them, makes you able to rift!”
“...or maybe you just got so hammered that you woke up miles from home and didn’t remember how you got there.”
“Hey, there is no evidence I didn’t rift to the floor of that grungy alleyway!”

“With everything these adventurers and Wayside have been doing for us, I say the future of us Ternians is in good hands. The Emperor? What about him? Dhugen and Maximus have got our backs more than him!”

“You know, I figured the murder-happy Black Treant servants would be the problematic ones, but I hear that folks go running as soon as they see the productivity-loving Gray Treant servants. Huh.”

“I was drinking, er, fishing, out beyond the Arbor harbor late last night when I saw the Iron Crow slinking into port. It might have been the selunari hootch, but I swear she was flying Olothen colors. When I got back in harbor this morning she had a Wayside flag. What’s that “simple trader” up to?”

“Matron Locke is a Squire now? Good for her!”

“I’ve been reading my favorite author’s new book lately, and I just can’t put it down! Not literally, Janice - the book’s not cursed or enslaving me or anything, it’s just a really engrossing story. Geez, what a world we live in that I need to clarify that…”