Rumors Heard Around Westhaven May 322


Chicago Staff
Rumors Heard Around Westhaven

-I am NOT okay with all the talk about Spider Island. I’m glad to see it go, but there is too much wacky stuff going on there. I hope the adventurers take out all the spiders.

-I heard the Adventurers are gathering all their powerful friends and are going to invade the Ternian Empire.
-Where did you hear that?
-I just assumed now would be the right time to invade.

-It’s good to see Elven Ships going back and forth between The Eternal Empire and The Golden Leaf Crown. I thought for sure they were mad at each other!

-I heard the Solar’s Guild has a way to deal with whatever is burning and freezing villages down in Centerus.

-A little wooden statue appeared with a platinum coin the other day. As soon as I took it the thing stood up and bowed to me. So nice of them!

-Did you see that giant rock fall out of the sky and start transforming into an eight armed creature with five mouths and then start to demand that Fortanis bow to him and…
-I’m going to stop you right there. Bartender, please cut him off!

-Last month those Olothen geese and deer were attacking my farm, now this month a mean sheep is attacking my neighbor. What is up with all these baaaaaad animals?

-I ran into a blue skinned elf the other day. She said she was a Lunarian Elf from the Twilight Dynasty. I can’t tell if she was trying to get me to visit or trying to sell me something.

-Hearing that the Prademar leaders will be in town Saturday night makes me want to go and give them some thoughts!
-Thoughts about?
-I haven’t thought of it yet…

-Back in my day Biata didn’t use Celestial Magic, now I see that Gavarnian Biata throwing Banishes at those Frostflame Elementals. Crazy times we’re in.

-…and then the monster will rise into the scare and shoot lightning from it’s 18 nostils at precise points then tiny thunder lizards will pop out at those spots and…
-Seriously, I go to the bathroom for 3 minutes and you’re still talking about nonsense!

-I haven’t seen Vorg in town lately. I wonder what happened?

-The lack of undead in the area is really upsetting. It’s been too peaceful without the threat of Victor Hook. I guess I’m happy, but it still feels strange.

-…then it turns out that creature is me all along as I monologue my way to all of Prademar via the dreaming with wor….
-Okay, I’m taking you home.

-You hear about that mermaid jumping in fishing boats? What’s up with that?
-Probably just a drunk fisherman.