Rumors heard around Westhaven


Chicago Staff
Did you hear Squire Foss fell out of favor with Duchess Fairfax? It’s probably because he got the Queen pregnant.

You can’t trust royal guards anymore.That entire supply station’s guard got drunk on the job and lost their shipment. Then half of them disappeared in the middle of the night! You can’t just quit the Army like that.

James, *sniff* my wife never came home last night. I hope she didn’t run off with some other man.

What happened to that bridge on the road going north along the mountains? None of the wagons can get through until they fix it.

Discipline has gone downhill since gnolls started guarding the supply posts. I can’t stand seeing those monsters wearing royal colors.

Did you hear that Bard sing! I cried, laughed, cheered and moaned at the same time. Truly magical performance.

Has anyone seen Ferdinand? I saw him leaving town with a Mystic woman but I don't think he ever came back... Got a weird tattoo on his face, too...

Bessie done been eaten, but those adventurers killed the blue frog things and left. To bad they did not get them all...guess I wouldn’t have visited the circle if they did. Guess I didn’t pay them enough for them to care.

Shark Kin have been murdering Dark Elves and Humans...glad I’m an Elf.

Has anyone seen my sons? They went for berries in the woods and never came home.

I heard Duchess Crosspick was fuming last month, but lately nobody can even talk to her! I heard the last royal messenger that came to her keep went home through the circle. Centaras is still sending supplies and soldiers to Arbor, though, so I guess things can’t be too bad.

You know, I think the only reason Jonah Stone wasn’t arrested months and months ago is because he knows which of the Magistrates is really the Farmhouse Murderer.

Did you hear about the man who saved those children from the well last night? Stahn Revan the Magnus they called him. Between that and the Undead killing over the last month, he’s quite a guy! I wonder if he’s single...

I heard that Eric guy say he had special information for only Elves. I think this'll be the great Elven riots of 284 all over again!
You're an idiot, there were never any Elven Riots! What are you talking about you drunk!
Hey, I may be drunk but I know a hobbling riot when I hear one!
So it's a hobbling riot now?
No wait...maybe it was Dryads.
Okay now you're done, no more ale for you friend.
What? ....... Sharks killing dark elfs and humans? ......... Why? ...........Ummm... LIDDIA we need to talk !!!