Rumors spreading across Andar


((The following information is IG, but came from a variety of sources over the last few weeks that you could have either overheard from others, had discussions with folks in the tavern, or otherwise picked up bits and pieces from traditionally unreliable sources. You can choose to have heard, or to believe, as much or as little as you like. What are listed here are only the most prevalent rumors, dozens of others, and more details about these, circulate as well.))

There have been more gnolls in the area lately, kobalds too. The soldiers at the fort had been doing a good job of keeping them away for a long time, but some of them said that they were being called away before they left. Now those varmints are starting to come back.

The trial that's been going on the last few weeks seems to be doing wonders for the local businesses in Silverford. All of the wealthy visitors near the courthouse are spending enough money to keep the shopkeepers open when many merchants in other parts of the country are having a hard time with the winter and missing so many people to the assault overseas.

Grain shortages in the southeast are making it hard for local bakers to keep bread supplied to the troops in the south who are patrolling beaches. There doesn't seem to be much going on on the waterfront, but there sure are a lot of soldiers down there.

Some gypsies were seen talking to some goblins about something a few weeks ago. Not sure what they were up to, but an awful lot of chickens have been going missing lately.

Those guys from Roth El haven't been around much. They seemed alright, but I'm worried that they only left so they could get ready to start something.

The fort near Westgate is almost completely deserted. Some say it's just enough people to make sure that gnolls don't move in. Other folk say that gnolls did move in, and the people on the battlements are under some kind of spell. Ought to keep away from there.

There doesn't seem to have been many ships in port lately. Sailors say that the Sea of Storms is really bad, even worse than usual for this time of year. Small fishing boats that stay near the shore are the only thing that many people see out these days.

Since most of the Navy left, some folk have been awful scared about what those Dark Elf ships might be doing here. They came in peacefully enough, but some folk say that there's more of them here than it appears.

The big to-do in the courts sure is stirring up the chatter in Silverford. I heard that it's actually Captain Goddard that's the Dark Elf spy, and that Dark Elf he killed is really an Andarian spy, sent to get information from the Ammersnarchiz.

Some crazy sarr in Iron Falls claims she's been on the moon. Can you imagine? Wouldn't a sarr rather be on the sun? The moon sounds more like a place that dogs might want to go.

Seen more undead near Greenham, on the boarder with Llantry. They're staying on their side of the river, but they still give me the willies. Stephan claimed that he saw one close enough that it shot him with an arrow. 'twernt a scratch on him though.

Three goblins wandered into the tavern the other day trying to sell chickens. Several folk had said earlier in the day that they were missing some chickens. Some girl at one of the tables wiggled her fingers and killed 'em all dead 'fore they knew what hit 'um.

There haven't been very many soldiers around the last few months. I heard that nearly everyone is gone doing something big overseas. Sure hope that Roth El doesn't attack us while we're defenseless.

Apparently there are werewolves near Appleton and Rosendale who are stealing corn. No one knows who they really are, but folk round-about there have been taking up a collection so they can get a pitchfork silvered.

More Dark Elves than seem reasonable look like they've been around the capitol lately. Sure, that trial has been going on, but there's been people who have had dark elves following them home in the evening, or rustling around in their gardens and getting on their roofs.

The navy's been commandeering skiffs to patrol the coastline. Fishermen need those skiffs to bring in food for the local towns, otherwise folk might start to starve.

Some undead were spotted on the edge of town. Some of them adventuring folk took them out pretty quick, but they're not staying away for long.

Folk say that something burrowed into the fort near Westgate. It might have been a giant worm, or really big beetles. The army brought in dirt and rocks by the wagon-full for weeks trying to fill in the holes.

There's been more wolves around, howling at the moon, especially at last month's full moon. I heard that you can tell that someone's a werewolf if they spend a bunch of time looking at the moon or thinking about the moon during the rest of the month. Some of the people who have been werewolves the longest get more power by eating a piece of the moon. Not sure how you'd get a piece of the moon though.

Just heard that a messenger finally made it back from the Undying Isles. Lots of secret information there, I'm sure. I heard that the Navy is planning something big though.

More trolls have been spotted in the Birchgold Forest. Not the gangly ones that you can pay off with food, but big, dumb, violent ones. Some folk got killed just for walking nearby.

That one-eyed gypsy keeps hanging around Iron Falls. He left a couple weeks ago though, saying he had some more stories to tell in the south before leaving for good. Good riddance to gypsies, I say.

That Dark Elf trial sure is long. I heard that no matter what happens that they're going to kill that poor Captain. Can't trust judges when politics are on the line.

A fisherman from Agolon says he saw a bunch of skeletons under his boat a few days ago. They looked like they were all carrying sacks and crates. He rowed home and told the army. The Soldier he told originally just told him to go home, but some officers showed up at his house right quick after that. Bunch of military boats were out on the river after that, but it didn't look like they found anything. I think he got in trouble for wasting their time.

I heard from my cousin Susan who's gardener's brother's ex-wife heard from from her friend's mom, who heard from her nephew's girlfriend that their teacher's daughter learned from the attending Healer at an Earth Circle near the Crossroads that a sailor resurrected there who was killed fighting specters on the Undying Isles. He said that their ships are in pretty rough shape and that they need to get them into some drydocks or they might lose the whole fleet.

Masons, miners, laborers, and trapmakers have all been sent to the Fort near Westgate for all sorts of odd jobs over the last few months. Some people were told not to talk about it, but others say that they went into some caves with some soldiers and worked underground collapsing tunnels and filling in holes. A few people were even attacked by strange creatures while they were down there. One fellow resurrected, but he won't talk about it, and the military was in the Circle waiting for him before he was even dressed. Took his whole family to dinner the next night though, and paid with an actual gold piece.

One of the navy wives said that her husband said that he'd be back by March at the latest if all went as planned. They must be nearly done over there.

It sounds like that dark elf ordeal might be over any day now. They've been arguing about how to cook that dark elf for so long they seem to have forgotten that he escaped custody. Bet they taste best with mushrooms and tubers. Probably some fancy spices, too.

I heard that some troops disappeared on the boarder with Shalduk. A whole mess of them! They were coming up from Lotharrad and just vanished.

A couple of farmers in Westgate were drinking wine one of them got in Iron Falls. They got into a huge fight! There was only a couple of soldiers left in town, so some adventurer's had to break it up. They sounded like they were going crazy! Remember that wine that made you crazy if you just had a little sip? I bet it was that stuff. It must be getting old though, 'cause they had to drink more than five bottles of it.