(Sent as a physical scroll, one copy to each person)
Kasuni, Terran;
I am still trying to determine how to communicate in the dream, though they have reached me- I apologize both for the tardiness of this letter comparitively and hope it finds you both well.
While I am still considered a fresh, hardly tested young rapscallion, my intentions are to help this fine group of people. You are all kind and generous, and I feel the best way for me to repay your continuing generosity (and, indeed, help the people of the land) would be to aid the quests and protections where I can.
This being said, I have not yet been to Maelstrom, though I fully intend to find my way there to help. In that vein, I am terribly naive of the land and peoples, even the enemies, of the tormented land.
But I would like to help.
Please, if you have areas that need another hand, to research and experiment, to lend healing aid or ideas, please place me on your list where I can be of help. I know neither of you well, but feel my strengths lie in supporting others' skills, research, distribution of supplies, helping organize information or experiments or anything, really.
Thank you kindly for your time in reading this letter, and I look forward to seeing you both again at the next gathering.