

The topic of safety has been brought up twice lately, and Im going to add more for discussion.
I myself am currently working on recognizing problems such as unconciousness and paralysis as well as mending armor.
Ive noticed at market days that everyone does every thing for the most part, but at the castle siege, we devoted one group to finding alternate ways into the castle and had another, much larger group working at the front gate. this I believe worked very well. I believe we should further task people with duties. obviously, everyone would fight when nothing was needed, but if a need arose, one of the group for that need would leave the fighting to the others and go to deal with the problem. Now, Im not sure what needs would arise, but I am here to propose the first. I would like to organize a group of "First aiders" whose job would be specificaly to make sure that no one is bleeding to death and get them back up when possible. As for right now, I am not looking for volunteers or teachers or assisstance or discussion, I am merely looking to put this up to a vote for the town to decide on.
Those for it say aye, Those against say nay.
Good idea, group of people plan it out? meet at breakfast make boring talk and decisions then tell Gorka what she need to do sound good. Gorka like less Circle work.
