Sailing question


So I have two questions about ship ownership. Do I do bead draws at any chapter I play at or only when I play Seattle games?

The other is regarding the rules about bead draws. My ship is armed so the piracy black bead is removed from the bag. It is not reinforced so it is susceptible to bad weather. My issue come with the mutiny bead, the rule wording states: "The threat of mutiny cannot be avoided." For my ship I strongly disagree with this as my ship is crewed entirely by trusted PCs, including myself (since I appointed a captain.) We have no NPCs on board. Isn't it a PC's decision to take drastic action that would heavily effect IG relationships. If this bead is drawn is that to assume I and other PCs are forced to act outside of our nature and be forced into illegal activity (against my own asset)?

See below for the actual rules:
"In a bag, four white beads are placed as the base beads. Then one white bead is added for every hundred tuns of available cargo space. For every additional 200 tuns after the initial 100 tun a bonus white bead is added. For example, a 500 tun ship would have four base beads and two bonus beads. Lastly, three black beads are placed in the bag to represent the following disasters: storms, piracy and mutiny. The Ship?s owner proceeds to draw beads from the bag until a black one is drawn. For each white bead drawn, the ship?s owner receives one gold piece, in coin, or in grain or wine (represented by an Asset Card). A ship makes a lot more money than this, though most of the income goes to pay for crew, port fees, and materials to maintain the ship in seaworthy condition.

If a black bead is drawn first, a disaster befalls the Ship. The player gets no income this Event, and either the Ship loses an Improvement or 100 available tuns of cargo space are rendered unusable, chosen by the Player. A red and a blue bead may be placed into the bag by the Plot Committee. The red representing a devastating catastrophe, the blue a large financial or plot award. If either of these beads are drawn, that also ends the run, just as a black one does.

There are ways to negate some of the negative things that can befall your ship. These are collectively referred to as improvements. Armaments prevent piracy, eliminating that black bead, as pirates avoid armed ships. The black bead that represents seizure of ships for piracy can only be eliminated by having a Shae vessel. Armaments include ballista, extra soldiers, shielding, reinforced hulls for ramming, etc. Each armament occupies 100 tuns of available cargo space, eliminating one white bead. A ship used for piracy or privateering adds two white beads per armament. Having a Shae vessel Extra riggings protect ships from storms, eliminating that black bead. Extra riggings also occupy 100 tuns of available cargo space, eliminating one white bead. The threat of mutiny cannot be avoided."
The ship rules need to be re-written and, some one was doing that awhile ago but never introduced the new rules.
The rules that you and a couple other people have been drawing under are modified rules that we are piloting for the ship/caravan system and don't necessarily match with that post(we're play-testing them). The rules for these bead pulls are being revamped to make them more profitable.

As far as pulling beads in other chapters, this is an LCO system that Seattle uses to provide more RP and income to the players that own boats and caravans. Other chapters may have other systems to accomplish the same end or they may have no system at all, that's up to them.

For the mutiny bead, in your situation I would say that the mutiny bead wouldn't be applicable to your bead pulls, but the intention is that there is always some risk involved with the bead-pulling scenario. While the bead that's referred to as "the mutiny bead" is still in your bag we certainly wouldn't force you guys to act in a way contrary to your characters nature. Were this bead drawn I imagine the plot member would come up with another explanation for the disaster that befell the ship that did not include your PCs being forced into any action by the plot staff but that still enforced that concept that the risk of using your ship for profit cannot be completely eliminated.

Yeah I have no problem with the risk just the idea of said mutiny. Thanks for the clarification. :D
evi1r0n said:
Yeah I have no problem with the risk just the idea of said mutiny. Thanks for the clarification. :D

......Oh.....uh......right........of course........

................I'll just go....put some things away now.....

There is always a distinct possibility of mutiny or catastrophic damage being done to the ship when I'm on board.
Yames said:
There is always a distinct possibility of mutiny or catastrophic damage being done to the ship when I'm on board.

Catastrophic damage...yes, that I have no trouble believing. :lol:
Sweet I hope to see the new ship rules at some point! If I can find the time to play Hawks that is.
Egor said:
Sweet I hope to see the new ship rules at some point! If I can find the time to play Hawks that is.

The new boat/caravan rules aren't exactly showroom quality just yet, but I imagine we'll have them posted before February.
No rich Corinthian leather, Nick?
You should be ashamed.

As for the rules, one of the authors (Jim) is on staff in ASF, so I'm guessing they have something in place too (if you plan on heading that way)

I must warn you though, the last three times PCs have tried sailing their ships between chapters via the mists, it has ended in tears...
Twice PC vessels ran aground and suffered major damage and loss of lives.

The other time you can probably discount, since it was Razoriel and I framing them as slavers that got them arrested and their ship impounded ;)

Just whispering,