Greetings one and all,
I wish to make it well known to the adventurers and others who dream that the Solar's Guild now clear of the debts from past debacles and the unpleasantness of the civil war would like to update a couple of its more public policies.
First anyone looking for identification services you may go to any guild house to request identification. A low cost of 1 gold is required unless you are a member of nobility or hold rank in the Solar's Guild at which point you only pay 2 silver. Ofcourse if you are a member of nobility and hold rank within the Guild than the cost is 1 silver. I do suggest whenever possible you have those invested in the circle that is leased to several of the adventurers identify things but for those who desire greater privacy this is an option for you. Please note the Guild House of Westhaven which is just 10 minutes due north of the adventurers settlement.
Limited Circles of Power spellcrafted for a market will cost 5 gold
A Ward cast for you on a building that you have full rights and permission to ward will cost 2 gold.
The Solar's Guild is always recruiting and you should speak with myself via pigeon.
Lastly, I wish to announce the new Solar of War Haru Koshinari who has been elevated after completing several tasks over the winter to prove himself. May he prove infinitely wiser than his predecessor.
In Peace and Prosperity,
Solar of Peace Yolan Vassil
I wish to make it well known to the adventurers and others who dream that the Solar's Guild now clear of the debts from past debacles and the unpleasantness of the civil war would like to update a couple of its more public policies.
First anyone looking for identification services you may go to any guild house to request identification. A low cost of 1 gold is required unless you are a member of nobility or hold rank in the Solar's Guild at which point you only pay 2 silver. Ofcourse if you are a member of nobility and hold rank within the Guild than the cost is 1 silver. I do suggest whenever possible you have those invested in the circle that is leased to several of the adventurers identify things but for those who desire greater privacy this is an option for you. Please note the Guild House of Westhaven which is just 10 minutes due north of the adventurers settlement.
Limited Circles of Power spellcrafted for a market will cost 5 gold
A Ward cast for you on a building that you have full rights and permission to ward will cost 2 gold.
The Solar's Guild is always recruiting and you should speak with myself via pigeon.
Lastly, I wish to announce the new Solar of War Haru Koshinari who has been elevated after completing several tasks over the winter to prove himself. May he prove infinitely wiser than his predecessor.
In Peace and Prosperity,
Solar of Peace Yolan Vassil