Sarr Dentist

Moose Moose I want a moose I never had anything quite like a moose
I had lots of women some wild and some loose but I never had anyhting quite like a moose


I can say that having met you, that last post is even more disturbing than it would otherwise be.
tieran said:

I can say that having met you, that last post is even more disturbing than it would otherwise be.

moose bites can be rather bad mind you!
I just saw the worst narrated nature special ever. The referred to koalas as koala "bears" (which they aren't) and kept referring to an obvious moose family as elk. One interview was with someone who runs the National Koala Foundation (or something close to that name). The interviewee referred to the animal and his foundation properly, but the vioceover and text on the screen kept saying Koala Bear Foundation. SHEESH!
The part with the Moose was from Germany , the part with the Koala was from Autralia. The people interviewed in Germany were speaking German, but the entire show was a production for English speakers by English speakers. I have heard that in europe the work "elk" is used to refer to to moose, so I shouldn't be surprised at that one. Well, enough people call Koalas "koala bears", too, but the nature shows should know better than that.
Are you sure you weren't just watching the opening credits from Holy Grail?
Well, there was some Terry Gilliam animation....nope, sorry, wasn't Holy Grail.
no realy my sister was bitten by a moose once

Oh, knock it off, Frank. Now we have to start the whole thread over again.
All in all it sounds like HG might have been more educational for you to watch... at least based on your description.
among other things.
Moose tastes nothing like possum... if the stuff you had did then perhaps it was possum as the moose hunter was unable to bag a moose so instead just picked some possum up on the way home.
Where did possum get involved in this?
Sam time as Bre'r Fox and Bre'r Bear...