

This is the scariest thing I have seen in a while. I saw the entirety of The Ring without being the slightest bit creeped out, but this flash game scared the S#!T out of me! It's difficult to describe, but immagine Tim Burton, but even creepier, and more satanic. I found myself litterally afraid to proceed to the next room, with one hand on the mouse and the other on the knob of my speakers, realy to shut them off if it got too much for me. I realize it's only a video game, but that doesn't help much.

I didn't get too far. I'm going to try again at two in the afternoon, when it's nice and bright outside, and I'm not afraid of demons emerging from the shadows to do unspeakable things. Wish me luck sleeping tonight!

It's cute... but I'm psychotic enough to beat resident evil with just the combat knife. I don't scare easy. It is a very fun game though... it reminds me a lot of "the room" which is less horror oriented, more puzzley.

It has an event horizony feel to it... like someone's mansion got caught in a warpstorm.

Very cool, thanks :)

most_precious_blood said:
It's cute... but I'm psychotic enough to beat resident evil with just the combat knife. I don't scare easy. It is a very fun game though... it reminds me a lot of "the room" which is less horror oriented, more puzzley.

It has an event horizony feel to it... like someone's mansion got caught in a warpstorm.

Very cool, thanks :)


I didn't think it was spooky at all at first, but it got a little spookier... clever puzzles... I need a big spooky house to run big spookly mods in...

Or maybe I'll just run a Cthulu live game... and try not to stab Gid with a pencil-scalpel!

Me: "We've been poisoned!"

Everyone: "The Soup!!!"

This in-joke brought to you by the Hamstead Horror.
Oh dear

Just remember kids... keep away from any cactus during a Call of Cthulu game, and ronsonol will get wax out of your carpet.

And whatever you do, don't fall out of the fridge as a corpse, jim will stab you :)

most_precious_blood said:
Just remember kids... keep away from any cactus during a Call of Cthulu game, and ronsonol will get wax out of your carpet.

And whatever you do, don't fall out of the fridge as a corpse, jim will stab you :)


Just had to bring up the cactus...

that f*ck'n sucked *censored*!

For so many mishaps, it was a darn successful game.
Eh well it's realy hard to scare me. But it was cool. The walk through is very handy. I like the tenticles. :wickedbat
I don't know what this game is you guys are talking about, but I did coincidentally find H.P. Lovecraft's short story, "The Call of Cthulhu," last night. It was pretty awesome. The 'black winged things of the earth' he spoke of reminded me of the 'dark ones' seen in the Flash game.
Tom said:
I don't know what this game is you guys are talking about, but I did coincidentally find H.P. Lovecraft's short story, "The Call of Cthulhu," last night. It was pretty awesome. The 'black winged things of the earth' he spoke of reminded me of the 'dark ones' seen in the Flash game.

There is a roleplaying game based on the writings of H.P. Lovecraft. I have run and played in a few live action versions and play regularly in a sit-down version.
That was almost kind of funny =3
But then again, I've said moveis like Kill Bill are cute.
And during the movie I kept having twitching-sessions from grossed-out-ness.
So maybe it was funny in a demonic way ^^
Tom said:
I don't know what this game is you guys are talking about, but I did coincidentally find H.P. Lovecraft's short story, "The Call of Cthulhu," last night. It was pretty awesome. The 'black winged things of the earth' he spoke of reminded me of the 'dark ones' seen in the Flash game.
Call of Cthulhu is one of the (in my view) best games alive:). It is mostly based on lovecrafts works, but it also allows you to go outside the cannon very well. And its one of the only games that after 6 editions the game not only works the same, but a charicter from 1st edition can be used in a 5th edition game with almost no work (I think you need to change some of the equipment and some skills have new names. )
OMG that game you guys played with the cactus and the stabbing of Gid with a pencil sounds really funny. . . did you really sit in the fridge for as long as it took for someone to find you? That is so awesome. . . I'd like to hear that story sometime. ^_^