School for adventurer training

James Trotta

Diversity Committee
Please direct less experienced adventurers to Sparktet Bone Littlebeard at the next gathering of Ashban adventurers. I am trying to coordinate practical and theoretical training as lessons learned outside a controlled environment tend to be very harsh.

I am seeking more experienced adventurers to teach any or all of the following classes on a volunteer basis:

Adventurers & the law in Ashbury: Recent Trials & Verdicts
Recent history of Ashbury
Current politics of Ashbury: Allies & Enemies
Nobles and Well-Known Citizens of Ashbury
Monsters of Ashbury: where to Find Them & How to Defeat Them
Combat practicum: teamwork in battle

These classes will be free for novice adventurers. Those with silver to spare will be asked to contribute 2 silver or 2 cure light wounds potions when attending the class. This contribution is encouraged because it will help ensure that adventurers new to our duchy have some essentail supplies.
I applaud this concept and am grateful to those who have organized this event. Please see me if I can be of assistance.

--- Baron Ivan Drake of Blythedale
IvanDrake said:
I applaud this concept and am grateful to those who have organized this event. Please see me if I can be of assistance.

--- Baron Ivan Drake of Blythedale

Baron you might remember Sparktet. He belonged to the barony of the Ash Forest when it was under the control of Baron Agnar. I believe Sparktet was a sheep farmer then. Good times Sparkey.....Good luck and be safe my friend. Make sure you show them how to defeat a dragon when only one person can effect it ;)
Ashbury's adventurers are in for a very special class as Baron Ivan has agreed to teach one of our combat practicums. If you are able to teach any of the following:

Adventurers & the law in Ashbury: Recent Trials & Verdicts
Recent history of Ashbury
Current politics of Ashbury: Allies & Enemies
Nobles and Well-Known Citizens of Ashbury
Monsters of Ashbury: where to Find Them & How to Defeat Them

please contact me, Sparktet Bone Littlebeard
If there be a school there for me ta learn at then I would hear what ya had ta say at least. I ain't from round here so History and laws might be the frist thing ta be learning. Any strange beasts would be a strong second for sure. And I would happy to lend me craft ta making ya some cure lights wounds mixes. And if i can find work as a tracker from any honest foke then the silver would be given also.

Mattock Ironleaf of the Woodkeep Clan
You will be most welcome Mattock Ironleaf of the Woodkeep Clan. However, I can not promise that the courses you're most interested in will be offered because I need to find teachers for them. It has been suggested that Sir Eros teach the class on Ashbury's laws but, of course, there are many demands on his time.
Well then has anyone that has been ta Irontown know if there are any laws that would be strange ta meself? Just would like ta know befor i make a fool of meself in other lands.

Mattock Ironleaf of the WoodKeep Clan

By Irontown, do you mean Ironton?

As in Vandlar?

If you do, then yes, there are several differences. But I have to ask why you don't know the name of the place that you say you come from?

If not, then I have no idea what you are talking about.

I apologize to Mattock Ironleaf and others who expressed an interest in attending the combat practicum class taught by Baron Ivan Drake. I tried to schedule a class for Saturday evening. What we thought was an urgent matter forced us to abandon the class and left me no time to inform anyone of the cancellation.

Next gathering, I hope to organize at least one class that will be useful for nearly all adventurers who plan to attend the ducal ball: Etiquette: decorum expected at the ducal ball.. This class will be taught by Baron Ivan Drake on the Friday night before the ducal ball. There is no fee to take this class but those who can spare 2 silver or 2 cure light wounds potions are asked to make this small donation so that we can equip as many Ashabans as possible with some basic tools.

I will also attempt to organize other classes. Speak to me, Sparktet Bone Littlebeard, if you wish to learn or have something to teach.
I shall attend the um...the etiquette class.

Thank you Goodman Littlebeard, and His Excellency.

Man-At-Arms Flint Boulderback
I will gladly pay 10 cure light wounds potion for a indepth and compleat lesson on the laws, for some things transpired at the last gathering, to a freind, that makes me want to learn the laws in depth. Growing up in the circus and travaling to all different lands I never truly learnd correct local laws and just learned the laws of the circus which are apparently drasticly different from the laws that govern fairdale.
I might even be able to swing a donation of 15 cure light wounds potions depending on how indepth the lesson.
Such a serious lesson for one perceived the way I am may seem od but as the Rackmaster general of the broken spear tribe, Zaterina during battle, Darken Khaadijah, and only a few select others I do have a serious side when the situation calls for it.
I will ask Sir Eros if he will be able to teach a class on laws. I know at the past gathering many were speaking of differences between the contested lands and the duchy; I was confused. The magistrate surely has many demands on his time, however; if anyone else is able to explain the laws of Ashbury please contact Sparktet Bone Littlebeard.
For what ever capcsity you may deem me of assistance, I am avalable to help. Our Healers Guild meeting is always right after the squire breakfast/code discussion meeting, so I can not make that time period. If you wish on fridays you can have the in experienced/or not traveling with a group Ashbans see me. I currently have been trying to give these people proper protection and guidance. This way they are hopefully kept safe/or never get over looked in a battle frenzy. I am usualy in the guild at night should any need be required that I can assist in.

Zaterina N Norik
It will be my pleasure to speak with you again Zaterina as I am sure there is much you can do to help. At the past gathering I was able to spend a good deal of time with several less experienced adventurers and am happy to report that they seemed to be well supplied. In fact most had better stocks of healing potions than I did!

I am very happy to see this situation because when I was a new adventurer things were very different.