Scouting Report


To the Adventurers of Asyl,

Over the time between gatherings much has changed, and the following is my house's scouting report:

Closing the portals to the other planes has decreased the planar lizard's and elementals entirely.

The dead orcs seem to be surfacing less frequently, and only during the latest hours of darkness.

A large number of black-skinned orcs have surfaced on the northwestern side of the realm. Their intentions seem rather hostile, for they have continually been assaulting Micheal's borders for the past few weeks.

The undead from the old capital city seem to be more organized as the days pass, we suspect that a more intelligent undead has began rallying them.

With the weather turning we have noticed the oddly magical flowers in our forests again.

The Null-Magicians are spreading their forces and aiding Micheal and Voth in defense. Be as courteous as possible to these allies, and if possible do not channel around them. If you have questions regarding this matter please contact a house member directly, or talk to the Asyl Council.

We are attempting to construct more buildings within the town, the first will be some assistance in erecting the healers guild tower. We have also began the work on a town alchemical lab, and forge. The tower will be for the healers guild, and I assume resurrections, as well as a place to get earth rituals cast. The lab and forge will be for all towns members to use, for a fee based on upkeep of said building.

-As always if you have questions we are here to assist. We have officially setup an underground home for ourselves and all towns-members are encouraged to come visit if you have questions. It is located east of Casan's tavern a short ways into the woods, and you will certainly know it when you see the entrance. Until our gathering, walk safely with the shadows.

Chessdrill Ra'Veale
House Weaponsmaster
Appointed Lord of Voth's Kingdom
Young Masters and Mistresses,

I should be at the next gathering. Let me know if I should bring anything specific in large amounts. As always remember I sell just about anything you might want made by potion makers, scroll makers, alchemists and blacksmiths. I charge 1.5X what it costs to make the items.

Many blessings,
Bob the Blacksmith
Nice advertisement, Bob.


I had a few questions for you. Perhaps, these questions could be better answered in person at the next gathering. I leave that up to you:

- Where, in relation to our current location, are these Black-skinned Orcs attacking? Is is something we need to worry about? Does Micheal require assistance?
- Where, in relation to our current loctaion, is the Old Capital city? Some background info on the previous Capital City might help out those who dont know about it


Master Durk,

I will answer your questions here for I believe my time in town could be used more appropriately, not to say that giving information isn't appropriate, but there are things more suited to my needs when I am in town.

- Where, in relation to our current location, are these Black-skinned Orcs attacking? Is is something we need to worry about? Does Micheal require assistance?

---To answer part one of your first question and move on from there, our town is towards the southeastern most portion of the continent known as Dragonreach. These Black-skinned orcs are attacking Michael's location, which resides in the old keep known as Larakins Defense. This is located in the northwestern portion of Dragonreach. I don't believe it is something we must worry about for now, however I do not know the strength of these adversaries, nor do I know where they reside or what they are after. As far as Michael needing assistance, I am sure any help he can get he would be willing to compensate for. He is rather busy trying to rebuild the keep, along with trying to support a newly formed kingdom that welcomes those in need, as ours does.

- Where, in relation to our current loctaion, is the Old Capital city? Some background info on the previous Capital City might help out those who dont know about it.

---The old capital city is directly north of us. It is rather large, and was the capital city for quite some time under the Reign of Agustus the Many, I call him that because based on his Lichdom we really have no frame of reference as to how old he really is, and he constantly assumed each Reign under a new title (IE: Agustus the I, II, III, IV, V... etc...). This city contained the once powerful magical prison that was used to hold creatures that could rift, or cast dragon magic during his rule, as it was illegal. Under the city is a vast amount of tunnels and cave systems where the dark elves who worked for him used to live, it is in this place that the prison was kept. When he was outed as a lich, and his draconians were torn by void he used all his power to protect himself, thus bringing all his undead from the mountain they were harbored on prior, to the capital city. As I know now, he only holds several draconians at his side, and they have fled back to the mountain which is located in the northeastern part of Dragonreach. In doing this he saw fit to leave most of the undead behind, and with the fall of most of his draconians occurred, the prison's defenses fell unleashing all manner of beast onto Dragonreach. Of note, which we know due to my houses experience with said prison and Michaels ex-draconian title, are a pair of beholders. These beholders have not yet been seen by anyone we know, but are certainly dangerous. All we know for now is after Agustus left the capital the undead began roaming outward in search of food, and as of late the attacks on our borders to the north have gotten more coordinated than previous attempts. I have made numerous contracts to assist the front line, as well as spearheading diversion attacks from within the city itself. I have seen little interest in these contracts for not many of them have been done, although I do understand we have had more pressing matters.

I do hope this information guides you in the direction you were looking for Durk. I would like to point out that within the town box, in Casan's Tavern, there is a map of Dragonreach that has all of these landmarks on it. Although some things have changed from that map, seeing as it was made prior to the second coming of void, it still holds correct as far as most of its geography. If you, or any of the townsmembers for that matter, have more questions please do let me know. It is much easier to answer them here then it is when I find time to visit the town.

Chessdrill Ra'Veale
House Weaponsmaster
Appointed Lord of Voth's Kingdom
Thanks, Chessdrill.

A history lesson, like this, is much appreciated.

Reliance would be more than willing to help with the Undead problem and investigating the recent coordination of said Undead. I will try to find you on the first night of the next gathering. If you send a representative in to town, instead of coming yourself, please have them find me or any member of Reliance.

Tank said:
...and with the fall of most of his draconians occurred...

You're welcome.
