Scrolls and items.


As some of you are aware, and the rest of you should be, I am currently holding onto two scrolls, one a Destroy Formal magic, the other an Eternal Forest with catalyst. Both where acquired during fights with the majority of the town (one from the Lady Fairfax, the other from the innards of the all Cherry Tree) that where not offered up for auction.

In both cases it was believed that the scroll was nessasary to the completion of our endeavors, unfortunately careful study has proven that the Statue of the former Baron holds no essence within it, nor does it have magic that can be unraveled. Happily the Eternal Forest was not needed as our local elves where able to achieve much of the same effect through their efforts communing with the trees.

That being said, my intent at this point is to hold both of these scrolls in my custody until such a time that a worthy use can be found since they were ultimately not needed. My efforts in casting either or both of these scrolls will be free of charge, and if you have a use for either of them please let me know so that they can be put to good use.

I know that many of those in attendance where disappointed by the lack, or quality of the items found, that is the nature of the world we live in I am afraid and not something I have control of. I had a number of people approach me during the marketday about their disappointment in not making sufficient wealth for their efforts and travel, and while I can understand your concerns I cannot take responsibility for the quality or quantity of salvage on any gathering, nor is it my position to pay you for the efforts undertaken on behalf of nobles unrelated to my station. Please note that in the future I only take responsibility for payment, when I actually directly ask you for efforts and you provide a service under my direction, to put it simply, I cannot afford to pay many of the adventuring community what your efforts are worth the majority of the time so I would prefer that you understand this and not expect it.

-Lord Enan Bluewater
Keeper of the Azure Keep
Me thinks the the Destroy Formal Magic scroll should be put into a war chest for the town..... Me thinks that it would probably come in handy laters...... As for other scroll..... Not sure what it be good for..... Having and Eternal Forest to live in would be nice but....Hummm. Anyway that me thoughts on the mater..... Not the bunnies..... They not yelling anymore.......
Lord Barrister Bluewater,

Thank you again for allowing us to accompany you in the quest to quell the mind and spirit of The Spirit of the All-Cherry Tree.

I formally decline any and all treasure that may be discussed from this adventure. The knowledge that we are on our way to uniting Quelthazar's spirit is payment enough for me.

For what it is worth, my feeling is, as the scrolls potentially could be useful in the defense of the town, they should be held in the coffers for the Town's use. Especially seeing as the Eternal Forest would be a fitting blessing after the All-Chery Tree is more permanently restored to a grove.

Any further quests arising from these events, I stand ready to assist on.
Lord Bluewater,

Was there any sort of loot split from anything found on Friday or Saturday evenings? Just wanting to make sure I didn't miss something.


Eric Marsters

I concur that the Destroy Formal Magic Scroll should be added to the town box. The Eternal Forest scroll can be used to help restore the great forest that have been destroyed, including the 5 elder trees that were culled during the Corrupt invasion. I will ensure that the town box is handed to Squire Foss, and if anyone has questions about the contents of the box; feel free to send me a private prison.

Thank you all for purging the Corrupt from our lands. I look forward to seeing you all soon.

Sera FallingStar